Best Fc class/spec?


Just starting to come back to WoW with a few friends and want to get back into twinking 19s. I know i either want to make a CC frost mage (played a bit way back in bc/wrath) or an FC of sort. So what are some suggestions for the best FCs or just a class/spec that people enjoy FCing with

Im thinking something like:
Prot Pal
Prot War
Brewmaster Monk
Resto Druid
Guardian Druid

rdruid hpal or rsham best for solo q

should've said that there is 3-4 of us so does it change when its not solo q? maybe like best for premade situations etc
prot war would be best for premades i think or prot pal but ur prob alrdy using 2 pals so u cant have 1 fc cus of class limit
I'd say hpala or rshammy because they maintain a pretty high armour and do great self-healing and have pretty good mobility. Restodruids come third for pugging probably, only because in order to heal you have to switch out of bear, which causes you to have 20-25% armor until you can get back to bear and bounce away. It is pretty dangerous especially with rogues/ferals around, as they hit easily over 1,5k at higher stacks. Hpalas + shammys obv dont have this problem so they are not nearly as easy to burst down.

On the other hand, druids do have the most mobility before and after 4 debuff stacks so that's always good.
should've said that there is 3-4 of us so does it change when its not solo q? maybe like best for premade situations etc

assuming you will be group qing with solid heals/support for kiting on defence then prot war is the best fc class because of the high armour and extra 10% mitigation from def stance.

If you aren't qing with a solid defence team then hpally or Rshaman is prolly your best bet for the stated reasons (id stay away from druid fcing unless you are very good with jumps as they rely a lot more on them with their lower armour especially once stacks hit)
  • Prot Warrior
  • Prot Paladin (Holy works too, but prot is better if your team is semi-competent)
  • Resto Shammy
  • Resto Druid

Those are the top FC's IMO. Click the three links to armories in my signature, all of them are in their FC sets.
Prot warriors if you have healing backup, since they can be beaten by 2 dps's or 1 dps with selfheal.

Hpala's for solo since druids are very weak after 4 stacks.
Which classes will your friends be playing?

So far I can reiterate what others have said except I will advise that guardian druid has similar dps to prot warr along with self heals, a 10% magic dmg reduction and also (unless the warr has GFd shield) similar armor (pushing like 2.7k armor in bear).

Edit: But fkit yolo just play warrior!
Guardian Druids are amazing tanks with utility that is unimaginable as well as having good finisher dmg in cat, at 29. Rolling this spec at 19 might not be such a bad idea.
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Which classes will your friends be playing?

So far I can reiterate what others have said except I will advise that guardian druid has similar dps to prot warr along with self heals, a 10% magic dmg reduction and also (unless the warr has GFd shield) similar armor (pushing like 2.7k armor in bear).

Edit: But fkit yolo just play warrior!
yolo is for nabs, go warlock + soulstone and it's yolt <3

Guardian Druids are amazing tanks with utility that is unimaginable as well as having good finisher dmg in cat, at 29. Rolling this spec at 19 might not be such a bad idea.

Idk if it is just me, but playing a rogue on O, prot warr seems to take a lot less dmg than guardian druids? and a good warr that knows how to backstrafe + 100% block is tough... tho I agree that druids have 1000 times better utility.
yolo is for nabs, go warlock + soulstone and it's yolt <3

Idk if it is just me, but playing a rogue on O, prot warr seems to take a lot less dmg than guardian druids? and a good warr that knows how to backstrafe + 100% block is tough... tho I agree that druids have 1000 times better utility.

I beg to differ, guardian druids have around 60% armor, 20% health in bear, 6% less chance to be crit by melee and around 70% dodge every 9-12 seconds or so with their passive talent. I guess it all depends on who is playing the class though. Warriors probably take a bit less dmg at times (they also have parry/block, druids don't) though druids' utility probably make up for it in most situations.
You might be right... though I havn't seen that many guardian druids, but prot warrs are all over the place
I beg to differ, guardian druids have around 60% armor, 20% health in bear, 6% less chance to be crit by melee and around 70% dodge every 9-12 seconds or so with their passive talent. I guess it all depends on who is playing the class though. Warriors probably take a bit less dmg at times (they also have parry/block, druids don't) though druids' utility probably make up for it in most situations.

Prot warrs have around the same amount of armour, +15% stam at all times, 6% less chance to be crit by melee, 26%ish combined parry/block at all times. Crusader also brings parry to around 35% so you'll have close to 40% avoidance from parry/dodge, which is pretty damn strong if you ask me. Shield block + backstrafing also mitigates soooo much damage, not quite as much as the druid dodge ability though I'd say, but they're pretty even. Warriors get 25% ALL damage reduction in defensive stance, whereas druids get 25% damage reduction to MAGICAL ATTACK ONLY.

But the problem with guardians is to get the 60 rage for Savage Defense; you will have to choose between shifting from roots/snares or getting that 60 rage for avoidance, since every time you powershift your rage goes back to 10. Maybe I'm not playing guardian right, but it feels like you're sacrificing a lot of druids utility as guardian if you want to be as tanky as possible (can't powershift movement impairing effects or you lose all rage, can't use travel form charge / travelform altogether if you want to keep well armored and keep gaining rage). Another problem I've encountered as guardian and why I don't like to play it is the mana regen for druid melee specs, which is 1 mp5 in combat AFAIK, and you won't get out of combat often as an FC. A chest with 100mana chant and mana pots could fix this though, I think.

If you wanna be tanky as fug, play protwarr. Haven't played enough guardian to say if it's more viable than protwarr or not, but the avoidance is clearly on warriors side.
Yeah, I mean it all depends on the situation. Obviously prot warriors will become increasingly effective with more stacks but if your offense is efficient enough. I believe Guardian Druids will have the advantage if they use all of their utility intelligently, up to a certain point (perhaps 6-7 stacks or so).
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I dont have any experience with gaurdian druid, but from playing a 20 resto FC i would lean towards gaurdian over protwar b/c i find displacer beast to be fantastic for juking noobs and avoiding burst after 4 stacks.
What about BM monks? Though their dmg reduction isnt as good as warrs/druids, they might have, together with frost mages, the best kiting ability at 19, and they are still able to run from enemies after 4 stacks, with roll.

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