Best bracket to farm honor on the way to 70?


Im using RaF to make a 70 Twink. At what bracket should I slow down and pvp in order to get the necessary honor for lvl 70 pvp gear? I basically wanna know what bracket will que the fastest and award a decent amount of honor.
Avoiding the subject just for a second, I suggest just getting a 90 to run you through raids before farming honor. Honor gear is generally mediocre at best depending on some classes... Being said, so farming raids for BiS pve pieces will cause it to make bgs slightly more enjoyable and will also make the honor grind faster. Bgs are the only way honestly, and i doubt think theirs much brutal needed in most builds except a few. Wouldn't want to farm honor for pieces you wont be needing :) Start there, will make life easier. If playing alliance, add my Btag, I'll personally run you through to make life easier. Gothic#1513
Once you unlock AV(or any CtA weekend). Not only will you level fast as hell, the honor is really good.

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