Best 60 Twink?


I'm going to be making a 60 twink soon, but I don't know how things are in this bracket. I'm main a rogue, but I can also manage others. So, what's the best class atm? No, Im not rolling a monk of feral :p Also, is it even worth creating one? I don't wanna waste time on a dead bracket.
Im not really sure what you are looking for.. first of all what are you looking to play? pve or pvp?
what kinda role would you like to play?
the different classes do different things these days.. so you really need to figure out what you want from your twink rather than rolling the "best" class.. I honestly don't think anyone knows what is considered best right now..
that said don't roll a warlock.. that would be the equivalent of using a teaspoon for gouging out your own nails.. none of the specs has anything noteworthy other than fear witch wont get you very far on its own..
Im not really sure what you are looking for.. first of all what are you looking to play? pve or pvp?
what kinda role would you like to play?
the different classes do different things these days.. so you really need to figure out what you want from your twink rather than rolling the "best" class.. I honestly don't think anyone knows what is considered best right now..
that said don't roll a warlock.. that would be the equivalent of using a teaspoon for gouging out your own nails.. none of the specs has anything noteworthy other than fear witch wont get you very far on its own..

I plan on PvPing, but, I'm guessing 60s is no different then 70s, just rock out PvE gear from the raids .. At least that's what I do. But, if I had to choose a class, it would differ between a Rogue, Paladin, or Hunter. I'm rolling Alliance, been playing Horde for too long. What I was asking was whats the best class to play (damage wise) in this bracket. I just wanted to get a feel on things, sorry for being so confusing about this /.\
Obviously, bonus armor stacking classes are just ridiculous right now, (or certainly before 6.1 - not certain now). It really depends, but I'd roll a Rogue if that's your preferred class - especially if you're planning on going the whole way, and farm BMAH for T3. I'm EU, otherwise I'd help you out.

Obviously, bonus armor stacking classes are just ridiculous right now, (or certainly before 6.1 - not certain now). It really depends, but I'd roll a Rogue if that's your preferred class - especially if you're planning on going the whole way, and farm BMAH for T3. I'm EU, otherwise I'd help you out.


I main the rogue in the 19-29 brackets lol, so kinda scared on the advanced section of them :p I have a 90 hunter I'm good with, so let's say I do roll a hunter, how are they?
I plan on PvPing, but, I'm guessing 60s is no different then 70s, just rock out PvE gear from the raids .. At least that's what I do. But, if I had to choose a class, it would differ between a Rogue, Paladin, or Hunter. I'm rolling Alliance, been playing Horde for too long. What I was asking was whats the best class to play (damage wise) in this bracket. I just wanted to get a feel on things, sorry for being so confusing about this /.\

hunters are great, they have big dmg and decent control.
they lack a little in survivability but they make up for it with the insane amount of burst they can put out.

paladins are the most insane support class with freedom, hop and insane off heals.

rogues has less dmg and more control than hunters..

but really what you are considering is 3 very different playstyles all of vitch are VERY viable options so i suggest that you think a little about what you want from the toon and make a pick ^^

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