Best 39 Twink BG in EU?

Hello guys,

I have understand that this forum is mostly US players, but i got realy hit by the 3.2 Changes. I don't have any queues around any time of the day.

So my question is wich BG has the most active Twink PvP!

Im willing to transefer to an other Realm/BG!

(My first post on Twinkinfo, but long time reader! ;))

cyclone is best 39 bg. Servers to be on are silvermoon for alliance and for horde you should check the server with the guild from ishh
There is speculation that non-XP battlegrounds are bugged at the moment in Cyclone, thus atm there have been none up whatsoever since 3.2 (Even though more than enough people have been queued up). When the problem (if there is one :G) get's sorted I guess Cyclone is the place to be, but it's far from the wonderland that people think it is, still, it's above every other battlegroup and i'm fairly sure JB (Ravencrest) has probably the strongest member/skill base that exists in a guild in EU at the present time. So yeah, we are here, I don't know if any other battlegroup is at this stage. But things will only move forward for Cyclone.

Hope that helped.
Rezist said:
There is speculation that non-XP battlegrounds are bugged at the moment in Cyclone, thus atm there have been none up whatsoever since 3.2 (Even though more than enough people have been queued up). When the problem (if there is one :G) get's sorted I guess Cyclone is the place to be, but it's far from the wonderland that people think it is, still, it's above every other battlegroup and i'm fairly sure JB (Ravencrest) has probably the strongest member/skill base that exists in a guild in EU at the present time. So yeah, we are here, I don't know if any other battlegroup is at this stage. But things will only move forward for Cyclone.

Hope that helped.

Ok good, im trying to make my twink on Frostmane EU and give its best gear, and after that transfer to Silvermoon or some other in that BG. See you in a month i guess :D
Greetings twinkinfo.

I am new here and desperatly trying to find out where to migrate to in the near future. Bladefist EU is my home, has been for over 3 years now and allways will be. I am part of the blackout battlegroup and how sad it may be but lvl 39 non xp twink bg is dead there. Since patch 3.2 I have tried to get at least 1 twink bg game every day. Logged in during prime time, qeued myself and allways waited for over 1 hour but without succes.

Since Blackout is one of the major EU battlegroups, I guess, and before patch 3.2 the bgs' have allways been filled with many twinks so I think it's hard to believe that for over a week now the 'non xp battlegrounds' remain dead.

Thanks for the info mentioned above, I am gonna try to read up a bit more. I play Horde so maybe Ravencrest might become my new home, at least for my lvl 39 hunter twink.

From what I've heared the lvl 19 bracket is still very active on blackout. Too bad it's the only active bracket at the moment.

More posts concerning EU battlegroups are very welcome.

Cheerz, twinks not dead!!!

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