Best 2v2 setup right now.


Just kind of wondering what people think, please also say why you think this.

I think ret resto shammy, because they're both so hard to kill, and the damage is immense, seems like they shit on frost mage/healer teams.
Firemage/Resto shaman or

Frostmage/resto shaman.

ret/rsham seems like itd be good, but ret is getting nerfed in 4.1, as are rsham i think.

feral/rsham has potential, at least pre-4.1
Ret/Rogue(especially if ret lvls to 72 EHEHEHEHHEE)




I'd say that those are the 'top tier' comps. Sure, there are many others that are viable also, but imho those are the best ones at the moment.
wat would 2 holy priests spamming aoe heals and binding heal, while stacking on eachother be like to kill?
threesets said:
wat would 2 holy priests spamming aoe heals and binding heal, while stacking on eachother be like to kill?

Quite easy.

if you know how to cc and not stand on a priest when they are just sitting there spamming aoe.

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