Being the underdog that I tend to be.

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Throughout the end of Cataclysm I mained a Fury Warrior. Now I'm starting my ret-paladin project. AP. And not one of those pansy-ass holy/ret hybrids you see running around with bad itemization and chips on their shoulders. Let operation make this piece of crap seem some-what viable begin.

I encourage others to do the same. Builds Character, teaches you how to play the class because you have to try damn-hard to function as an underpowered class in these brackets, and you get to prove people wrong.

Not just ret paladins either, bring out your demo locks, enhancement shamans, fury warriors, and hunters. Help spread class diversity and have a little fun while you're doing it.
Sounds like a smashing idea. I encourage others to follow suit.

I'm sure I'll see you on the field while I'm on my Holy Pal... errr.. I mean Fire Mage?
Today my resto sham is elemental, and I'm having a freaking blast. Instant Ghost Wolf+Swiftness Potion+Thunderstorm=so much win. Was pretty easy to gear, too. All I did was wear what I had... Draenei Racial + 50% spirit to hit hit capped me to lvl 22, 2.63% miss at lvl 23, not sure about 24 because it doesn't show >.<

Spirit Gear: Sandals of Sacrifice, Serpentis' Gloves, Shield of the Stockades, Tumultuous Cloak of the Elder, Brilliant Necklace.

edit: not much for the scoreboard, but still ridiculously fun. Not worries about honor anyways. :p
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trying an affliction lock. not sure about the damage, but now that there are dispels in this bracket unstable afflictions secondary effect can get some use. also can instantly swap pets via soul burn for a disarm if necessary. i think touch of the grave may push the damage up enough. may not be viable but it plays as close to my cata lock as any spec currently does so i'm gonna try to make it work.
Playing an enhancement shaman is rough right now... I think this is a good idea, though. I've always liked the idea of playing classes that not many others play.
Playing Resto, since being another class is useless against the holy overlords. However Im still very susceptible to rogues because I can't cleanse poisons, and Deadly poison instance applications after 5 stacks can hit me for 50 per hit, and thats alot especially if that rogue is Mutilate spec. It feels good to roll a healer class, to you know, HEAL instead of trying to one shot people.
Playing a prot warrior atm. Deal small bursts of damage and the mobility is amazing.
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