Beau's 19 Hunter Video!

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Hello everyone, I am in the process of creating my first PvP video featuring my 19 hunter. I have compiled hours of video and need to narrow down my clips. I am asking you, the audience, what you would like to see and hear? At the latest, the video will be released by the end of June. Thank you! :)
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I feel like now that beau has people in his guild he's trying to take on this nice persona
I've been looking for some quality Hunter footage for a while, i hope that you can give me this!
what I'd personally love to see:
-Some nice terrain use, everybody loves seeing people disengaging :p
-kiting of rogues, because hah.
-basically, everything where the quality of your game-play is remarkable, and not performed in the GY. ohh, and something where you're not being too pocket healed, if you just kill off one dude at a time, it feels like watching somebody play duck hunt..
Now I see why this guy was so upset and rage quit during our game last night. He was making a vid. Sorry Beau, I'll try harder next time, I promise. ;-)
Hello everyone, I am in the process of creating my first PvP video featuring my 19 hunter. I have compiled hours of video and need to narrow down my clips. I am asking you, the audience, what you would like to see and hear. At the latest, the video will be released by the end of June. Thank you! :)

you play a hunter in a skilless game in a skilless bracket

so no , no1 care , save your time and delete everything you recorded


I would like to see some of your Amazing explosive shots bursting down the FC! Saw it the other day, was fun to be apart of.
Some 1v1 on other classes, some flag running/kiting, your horde tunnel jump since you do it rather well
Bro us Take Care<PuG's ppl get with the program or at least on our GY farming lvl

edit: Only room for 1 TC round har
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i would like to see you FC I've heard from people you can pull off some awesome FC skills
Hello everyone, I am in the process of creating my first PvP video featuring my 19 hunter. I have compiled hours of video and need to narrow down my clips. I am asking you, the audience, what you would like to see and hear. At the latest, the video will be released by the end of June. Thank you! :)
No need to try to be nice... (fake)
After all you're a total a** hole in game. (Bad personality).
But other than that, I'm looking foward to see your video :)
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I would like to see you not be fake nice and actually be a complete dick in most clips. Close ups of you calling everyone trash and then a compilation of you dropping the flag and leaving.

Sprinkled with some nice CC and wing clips.
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