Basic Things Hunters shouldn't do but do any way

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Feel free to comment about questions or things you want added, I will edit it.
1.When Being chased by Warriors, rogues, druids etc even some veteran hunters will do is back peddle when hunters do this it slows them down and allows melee's to damage you, but if you kite them you can still keep your normal speed while doing damage to them without the return damage.
If you back peddle duel a melee friend and practice kiting until it is your instinct to kite instead of back peddle

2. Serpent Sting shouldn't be used as a form of damage, use it as a way to keep rogues and druids from stealthing, also for survival hunters you shouldn't put talent points on serpent sting instead put them on Hunter vs Wild, Survival Tactics, and Pathing.
These will help increase your health and help get your focus back, serpent sting shouldn't be used as a source of damage since it does it over time you want instant damage.

3. Hunters need to be twinked, if your not twinked you shouldn't be trying to catch rare mounts, and rare armor for example I saw a level 19 hunter who had no BOA armor, trinkets, or rings, but he had Burgy Blackheart's Handsome Hat, and he was also using Savory Deviate delight. The problem with those sorts of things is that your using gold if your buying them on Auction House or your using time trying to get them where you can be using that time getting BOA. Also if your hunter is not twinked don't transmogrify your armor if you need to get a better piece of armor in that slot. Also if your not twinked you shouldn't be using all your time questing, if your going to do a quest make sure it has a reward that you need like beneficial armor, trinkets, or rings, you shouldn't be doing quest just for money, quest that level 19's and below do don't give enough money, they don't give gold just a tiny amount of silver.
You need BOA before getting rare items, or else you won't be able to battle grounds.

4. When a hunter gets a profession get one that is useful, on my hunter I have 225 skinning, and 225 herbalism, herbalism gives lifeblood which increases haste for 20 seconds, and Sinning increases your Critical Strike rating. A hunter does not need tailoring it has no benefit for a hunter, it might be good for a not twinked cloth wearer.
You want to be able to increase damage to its max, and gain focus as fast as possible.

5. Hunters need to take the time to learn secondary professions, the most beneficial of those is First aid, if you have first aid you can heal yourself or a team member without the cost, all you need is some cloth materials. Archeology is not necessary don't spend all your time trying to do that focus on a different secondary profession.
First Aid, your able to heal wounds in between combat in Battle Grounds.

6. Twinked hunters should also be able to afford things like Rumsey Rum Black Label, if you don't have enough gold you should look up how to get more cause this is not about making gold. You need a constant flow of gold to make sure you have the best hunter possible.
If you have gold your able to have constant gold flow it means you can afford the best enchants and food to increase health and damage.
Please comment if you have something to add or questions,
I'm going to keep on adding and changing this as i learn more about what people think hunters do wrong.

If you do one of these things try to fix it, fixing professions is easy, so is getting armor, the real challenge is creating a constant gold flow, one way is buying and selling your way up on the Auction House, you can also look up good ways but I worked my way up through the Auction House.

If your a level 19 with less than 1000hp and you get 22-3 or more, it means you got lucky if you can do that good in almost all your Battle Grounds then you don't need to be twinked, but if you don't do that then you have to be twinked.

I will be editing this in the mornings and evenings
Please like it if you think it's good

I hope you learned from this
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Like hunters shouldn't back peddle but they do it anyway
how do you tell the difference of a good and bad hunter after they learn to keybind? Im pretty sure they 1shot just fine backpeddling
Is this better if not could you reply to this with some more info on how to fix it.
But if you face a twinked rogue or pali they cant be 1 shotted.
It's for people who aren't fully twinked or are twinked and don't know how to make a perfect twink outside of armor and weapons
its 70% armor and 30% skill
Being the class that requires the least amount of skill to play makes this thread a little more in vein. 99% class 1% skill
This has opened my eyes so much. Thxs for the help
Its funny cus 19s don't have arch
It's for people who aren't fully twinked or are twinked and don't know how to make a perfect twink outside of armor and weapons
its 70% armor and 30% skill

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain.
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain.
And a hundred percent reason to not roll a hunter.

My rhymes r a bit rusty.
Sometimes people get lucky, but the real question is how often does a person with 700 hp do that, with a 700hp hunter it's hard to do that, but if you have a twink it increases your chance of going 25-0 or higher.
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