Bal'ra's Compound Bow


New Member
Finally got it, but can't equip says I have to be level 15.
Is it worth trying to gear a lvl 10 now since everything good appears to be blocked?
What is a good substitute for
Bal'ra's Compound Bow?
Forever hate the "is it still worth it to twink at X level?" question

Yeah man, if it's something you think you wanna give a shot, do it. There are still a number of people playing 10s.

In regards to alternatives, I think there's a gun in Freehold? Farm a socket proc and it wouldn't be all that bad.
Forever hate the "is it still worth it to twink at X level?" question

Yeah man, if it's something you think you wanna give a shot, do it. There are still a number of people playing 10s.

In regards to alternatives, I think there's a gun in Freehold? Farm a socket proc and it wouldn't be all that bad.
Thanks for the freehold idea, asked if it's worth because how can I compete (as hunter) vs 10's with legendary and grandfathered?

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