Back to F2P... with one question


I had f2p toon, solid geared, maxed out some stuff but eventually bg balance drove me off. Seeing this level squish and some changes being positively accepted I decided to give it another shot...

Is there anything I need to hurry up with to grab before its gone for good, or I can just casually take my time and enjoy the available content (which is now more than some payed mmos lol)...

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Lets just put it this way. I just dinged 20 and i'm doing Zandalar quests + participating in AV event... Good start or not?
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Is there anything I need to hurry up with to grab before its gone for good
The Pillars of Earth quest that rewards the belt should be done asap. It's an ilvl 50 belt, so you can put speed boosts tinker on it. But its due for a nerf, probably as soon as tomorrows maintenance, and as soon as that nerf goes through, you'll no longer be able to apply the tinker. So its get speed boosts now or never get them.

Otherwise, you're golden.
The Pillars of Earth quest that rewards the belt should be done asap. It's an ilvl 50 belt, so you can put speed boosts tinker on it. But its due for a nerf, probably as soon as tomorrows maintenance, and as soon as that nerf goes through, you'll no longer be able to apply the tinker. So its get speed boosts now or never get them.

Otherwise, you're golden.

See and people say Chops isn't nice .

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The Pillars of Earth quest that rewards the belt should be done asap. It's an ilvl 50 belt, so you can put speed boosts tinker on it. But its due for a nerf, probably as soon as tomorrows maintenance, and as soon as that nerf goes through, you'll no longer be able to apply the tinker. So its get speed boosts now or never get them.

inb4 becomes new meta because of CD.
You could do panda engineering before we get fugd. So far i have spent 8+ hours im 69-75. Trying to get 70 for goggles.. then again.. im looking more than 60h grind to finish them. There is plenty to do as f2p..
"The Pillards of Earth"
I can't find this quest even on wowhead.
what zone is she in ?
Thx !

PS : hi everyone, i'm New here. I have a f2p since few days.
I play wow since cata. glad to see a website like yours
I'm french so be nice with my language ^^
"The Pillards of Earth"
I can't find this quest even on wowhead.
what zone is she in ?
Thx !

PS : hi everyone, i'm New here. I have a f2p since few days.
I play wow since cata. glad to see a website like yours
I'm french so be nice with my language ^^

Chops probably teferred to the Pillars of Creation quests in Legion but you don't have to do all of them to vet the belt only the Azshuna quests
(when you finish your intro to legion and order hall just select Azshuna as your first invasion point and then follow the quests until you get to the dungeon quest for the eye of azshara where you might want to find others to do it with or if you had bought game time before then you can just select the legion timeline from chromie in stormwind or orgrimmar and use lfd to queue up for the dungeon. At the end of the dungeon you can get the belt)
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Thanks for replies folks ;)

trying to figure out what to look for... pillars of creation shows some quest in Broken Isles...

maybe a link to that belt would be great start... I'd work my way from there

thanks in advance, again ;)
I think I got it....

Worked my way from Chops's armory. Saw his belt... tracked quest, tracked starter quest, googled the way to Azsuna, and I THINK the starter quest I gotta aim for is "Into the Fray" ;)

PS: Seems like I asked something a lot off ppl were wondering about lol
I think I got it....

It's just legion, guys. Do legion from start to finishing all the zones. You really cant avoid getting the armor.

Unless they nerf it before you finish the quests, then you wont know the difference.... but you'll still get it.


the gear will scale to your toon after the patch tomorrow, even if you already got it. Tomorrow’s NA maintenance includes 9.0.2 patch.

the belt from Aszuna is the only belt you can put Nitro Boost tinker to as a 20 because of its high ilvl. It will still work when the ilvl of the item is nerfed. It is not a long grind for the belt. ONLY do the quest that are specifically shown on the wowhead guide, and no others

there’s no need to do any other zones. The gear gets nerfed so soon.

You say FtP in title. so.. this means you need to learn the nitro boost tinker from northrend engi right now. And your OP is about stuff to get right now before it’s gone. This is probably the only thing to do right now, before the mini 9.0.2 patch goes up with the nerfs tomorrow in NA.
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But its due for a nerf, probably as soon as tomorrows maintenance, and as soon as that nerf goes through, you'll no longer be able to apply the tinker.
Once the nerf applies.. How does a 20 fight in a 20-29 bg against the 29s ? Is it still balance?

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