As an aspiring twink I have been looking at other twinks to see what they do. I noticed that Podie, another shadow priest, enchants his cape with Stealth (+8 dodge +8 agility) instead of something like Superior Defence (+70 armour) even if he wanted dodge wouldn't it be better to go Dodge (+12 dodge)? I know that agility gives critical chance but it seems pretty minor even at level 10 (1 agility = 0.08%) Can anyone enlighten me?
As an aspiring twink I have been looking at other twinks to see what they do. I noticed that Podie, another shadow priest, enchants his cape with Stealth (+8 dodge +8 agility) instead of something like Superior Defence (+70 armour) even if he wanted dodge wouldn't it be better to go Dodge (+12 dodge)? I know that agility gives critical chance but it seems pretty minor even at level 10 (1 agility = 0.08%) Can anyone enlighten me?