

How is everyone’s assets and raw gold looking? I first started to gather my gold base back in classic vanilla by making 10 lvl 35 mages with tailoring and making mooncloth on each one when it was off cooldown. By doing that I was able to have enough gold to invest in items like pets, twink gear, and other various items that I knew would go up in value through the expansions with inflation of gold. Through BC I was up and down with my raw hovering no higher than 20-25k at any time, as I would continually keep investing with the gold I made from selling. Now in wrath, I have a bank filled with likely over a million in items, maybe higher when transmog drops, and 2 raw gold caps. Hoping to hit 4 gold caps before cata drops by selling transmog that people are fear buying, expecting them to go up in value when transmog hits. People always ask why not just save those pieces till cata hits. The answer is it’s better to sell for example 20 of my 28 blade of wizardry’s for 10k each now, than to sell only 3 for 30k in cata. The higher items inflate, the lower the sale rate becomes. Sometimes you have to know when to sell to keep the liquid going.
Attached is that sword of wizardry example. By the way I payed 300-600g for each blade about 6 months ago. I’ve also added 7 of every 19 twink bow that gets grandfathered, and lvl 1 banker gfd item
guide to getting rich
dont tell strangers your secrets
Jus do an ICC GDKP to fund your twinks.
You don't need to swipe if you get in with your parses/logs instead of your bank. I raid 5 nights a week an make 25-40k per night when I'm not bidding. 125-200k/week without grinding or buying.
Paid to raid an 0 farming.
The GDKP leader jus gave out 3 gold caps over the holiday as well because he has a few million from host cuts

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