Arms warrior


Vi i am New to twink . Looking for a list of BIS gear for my warrior. Have found some stuff but Most of it is from legion pre patch. Any one that can help me. // dan
Assuming this is a fresh toon with no grandfathered gear.

Legs/shoulder are BoA for the enchants. You'll need a high level main to apply them.

All other armor, neck, and rings just lv39 BoE greens. Crit/vers stats preferred imo. Good luck on your server being high pop enough that the AH doesn't suck. probably the 2 trinkets from dire maul.
Mindtap talisman and vigilance charm?

Weapon is the 2h mace from princess in maraudon earthsong falls. Has a ~400 dmg proc that goes off pretty regularly. Slap crusader on that baby and enjoy the deeps.

As for enchants, I think warrior damage is crazy enough as is. I'd for for stamina anywhere you can get it. You should be able to hit 3.5k hp pretty easily.

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