Armor Penetration stacking?

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Armor Penetration stacking?

i saw a warrior with 503 Armor Penetration rating, which is equivalent to 90% ignored armor on all attacks....however, he only has about 1300 attack power...

was just wondering what you guys think about his build...

seems like he should find a better balance, im sure at a certain point AP outweighs ArP...but idk, what ever works for him is all that matters. plus at the higher lvls with massive amounts of plate wearers (DK, retadins, warriors) it probably works out nicely, and of course its always nice on the clothies - or leather/chain too.
In my short time in the 69s, I found the majority of targets where Plate/Mail and a few Bear FCs.

I know in the 60s it's fantastic in AVs due to the high number of lvling DKs
meh it always boggles my mind when people stack armor pen on a warrior and then go axe spec. IMO his best bet would be to go get the green quest 2h mace and drop 15% armor pen from gems and add some +str gems. Yes armor pen is great but I think like all stats its a mistake to stack all of one kind. I think his mindset is more towards a pve mindset than pvp, a mix of ap and and arp would increase his dps and make his warrior just beter off in general.

Other problems that I can see are low hit rating as well as low hp. I revamped my warrior after the first few weeks at 69 because lack of hit and hp really made it hard to play effectively, especially with a healer. The other major change needed is spec, it just screams pve with no iron will, second wind, or weapon mastery.

From the looks of his spec and gear I would say this is his first time playing a warrior and it looks like he needs some help. My warrior isn't the best geared out there but I think it would be a nice jumping off point in terms of what you should be looking for in a 69 warrior.

useabandage said:
meh it always boggles my mind when people stack armor pen on a warrior and then go axe spec. IMO his best bet would be to go get the green quest 2h mace and drop 15% armor pen from gems and add some +str gems. Yes armor pen is great but I think like all stats its a mistake to stack all of one kind. I think his mindset is more towards a pve mindset than pvp, a mix of ap and and arp would increase his dps and make his warrior just beter off in general.

Well in the 60s the best in slot 2g weapon that can still be obtained is an axe.

btw you're back Bandage?
if he was a DK, then it would be AWESOME, as ArP is actually better than AP to DK, but a warrior, idk really.
Well first off it's a great idea if you're fighting plate / mail most of the time, which you are. About axe spec: there's more reasons than just specing for the best weapon available at 69, poleaxe spec is also more beneficial than any other weapon spec point for point. If you gotta add some more ArP gems to reach 90% without battle stance just so you can go poleaxe spec, then do it, you'll find it's 100% worth it. Also, in the 60 bracket I own a set of crutch gear with ArP and it works wonders in AV. I may not be able to 3k ms a clothy but 2k msing a DK is worth it.
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