Arena strategy dilema

Well after leveling to 80 with my friends i found raiding the same naxxramas and killing the same heroics bosses grew boring. I already had a poorly geared 19 rogue so i bought him enchants and the right gear to become a twink. Pressuring my friends to do the same my friends made a warlock and priest twink. As the ruin 3v3 bracket is not too good for 3v3 they 2v2 together. (im all alone). In my desperate act i got my other friend to make a shaman he is not geared yet but what would be a good strategy for a Rogue+Shaman vs Warlock+Priest be?

I know how to play my class the opponents do too but i have to teach my shaman friend how to play sadly. All help appreciate thanks.
You MUST down the priest before the warlock.

In this case, you both get on him, start hitting him (both of you) on his first attempt to heal himself, kick it, and on the second cast to heal himself, earth shock it, and repeat that until the priest is dead. Watch out for the warlocks fears, they are very annoying, and probably will fear the healer. Just hang in there, and kill the priest, after that, its the same technique for the warlock.
Try and get at your opponant quickly. It makes me a sad panda when I die and while the rogue is chasing them around in stealth. (I do random arena so may seem like a gay comment to make lol)
be on vent, call when tremor needs to be down if your partner cnat do it himself.

the guy above me makes it sound easy, but if the priest actually knows what hes doing he will fake etc. you both need to just push out as much damage as you can and DONT let them bandage, your shaman cannot go oom.

Ideal KB setup : if the shaman is tauren you are going to want to have a kick on the heal when the lock is low-ish mana, followed by a warstomp and then a gouge on the lock and a shock on the priest. Theyll both be locked down and you'll have enough deeps to take them out. be quick with your tremor
people raid naxx still?

jk but seriously..

do shamans have tremor now?

if not, bursting down healer might work but lock would be fear spamming like crazy, it might be better imo to put shaman on lock have him earth shock fears, melee to keep pressure on healer to heal both himself and the lock, then rogue on priest obviously, shaman focusing on earth shocking fears and healing both of you, rogue doing what he can to interupt all big heals
if the lock is not a nub (and that is a pretty rare thing to find in a lock) he will kill your tremor before it can pulse
Going against what was previously stated and offering my opinion. I think you need to sit on Lock. Lock free casting (assuming he and his priest can wand), mainly fearing is something that will definitely hurt you unless your shaman is los'ing it.

What makes it hard, is that your friend has a lot more to do with your chance for success.

Rogue needs to sit on lock and not get feared (trinket priest PS, if he does). Save EN for kick, gouge, or in a pinch, if u have a pillar, los and get back on him. Pretty straight forward.

Shaman needs to play aggressive. Which most likely means using focus target to get maximum efficiency. He needs to mainly purge them clean to start, shock heals whenever it's off CD, alternate between eb and tremor (when priest ps is up, an add on i would suggest is Afflicted), purge pw:s, renew, force him to cast and shock. You probably won't catch them all, but it'll keep the pressure on the priest. When you guys are close to a kill, you will need to come over after your shaman shocks to kick/gouge, then attempt to try to finish lock off.

By playing aggressive on the lock, you will put a lot more pressure on their priest to play well. I definitely feel the margin of error starting on lock is a lot bigger than starting on priest.
I agree with what most others have said. I don't think nuke the healer is always the best tactic and in my experience its best to switch from time to time as opertunities turn up.
In whatever situation, especially in 2v2 with a healer dps vs healer dps, the team that plays on the defensive is always at a disadvantage because they're trying to make up ground.

Just run hunter rogue and blow people up.
Hassassin said:
In whatever situation, especially in 2v2 with a healer dps vs healer dps, the team that plays on the defensive is always at a disadvantage because they're trying to make up ground.

Just run hunter rogue and blow people up.

But they also get to choose their turf, and use the stuff around them to LoS while the other team is in the open. But i guess that is beyond most 19 twinks' thinking..
Protosszea said:
Well after leveling to 80 with my friends i found raiding the same naxxramas and killing the same heroics bosses grew boring. I already had a poorly geared 19 rogue so i bought him enchants and the right gear to become a twink. Pressuring my friends to do the same my friends made a warlock and priest twink. As the ruin 3v3 bracket is not too good for 3v3 they 2v2 together. (im all alone). In my desperate act i got my other friend to make a shaman he is not geared yet but what would be a good strategy for a Rogue+Shaman vs Warlock+Priest be?

I know how to play my class the opponents do too but i have to teach my shaman friend how to play sadly. All help appreciate thanks.

1.Sap the warlock

2.put a tremor totem within 3 or so yards of you 2 at all times

3.have you and the shammy get on the priest directly after sap

4.begin purge spamming

5.trinket the fear which your totem doesn't break due to w.e reasons

6.make sure you keep shit like searing totems up so the priest has a harder time getting a fast 1-2 tick after screaming(also the extra damage is nice)

You have the ability to basically rip the priest in two at the very start(a bit tougher if lock trinkets the sap), miss this opportunity and you're looking at a long and bothersome game.
Maelstrom said:
1.Sap the warlock

2.put a tremor totem within 3 or so yards of you 2 at all times

3.have you and the shammy get on the priest directly after sap

4.begin purge spamming

5.trinket the fear which your totem doesn't break due to w.e reasons

6.make sure you keep shit like searing totems up so the priest has a harder time getting a fast 1-2 tick after screaming(also the extra damage is nice)

You have the ability to basically rip the priest in two at the very start(a bit tougher if lock trinkets the sap), miss this opportunity and you're looking at a long and bothersome game.

GL with that :) I would have to be hitting a bong in one hand and smoking a cigarette in the other to get sapped in an arena on my warlock.
Well this is all helpful the main problem will havin my buddy popping totems and consume shadows reguraly exposes me so I am the main focus of burst but luckily being friends were all working together to get me the first AGM which I'm sure will be ridiculously helpful
i would recommend when you go in for the sap, have your shammy put the voidwalker in to combat, so the lock can't re-consume shadows. This may also put the lock into combat, i'm not entirely sure. The timing of hitting the voidy, and not having the lock enter combat for the sap will be hard to get down.
just be UD. all the time. forever.
The real game winning strategy against a good lock priest team will be to switch your targets. If you pressure the priest enough and force him to run off to bandage, if the lock overextends (moves far away from his teammate looking to continue to dps) you can switch targets onto the lock. Rogue/Shaman can burst like crazy, so if you and your teammate can communicate and watch for this, you should be able to down the lock quickly. The alternative, of course, would just be running after the priest...Not so hot

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