

I know a lot of people here have mains that do more than fund their twinks. Who here is in a top-end raiding guild or a pro arena team? :O

I myself do not have the time to be in a pro raiding guild, and I do not enjoy arenas.
I was for the last 3 months before I quit. Raided through ToC and ICC Reg, then quit right after we downed LK in 25 man. Didn't really feel the urge to go through the exact same content all over again in heroic mode. I feel Blizzard cheats us out of content by making these 'heroic' modes. Raiding was fun though. Hadn't done it since Vanilla really. But, like all end game, it eventually just turned into one giant treadmill of replacing gear. This negative aspect is why I always found myself coming back to Twinking after telling myself I'd quit. Once you get the gear, you're done and you can finally just enjoy the game.

I've never been a fan of arena at all. I hit measley 1800 casually with a couple friends, but that's it. I am looking forward to seeing how Rated BG's will play out in Cata though. I may just come back for that. It may be the closest you can get between Twink-style premades but at end-game level that you can get.
hate arena, hardly do bgs but i like raiding. guild isnt bleeding edge but we have 8/12 heroic icc 10 down, and are working on 25 normal lk. have almost BiS icc 25 normal gear for my feral drood including 1400 arp having got DBW sunday (long overdue)
Falkor said:
having got DBW sunday (long overdue)

fuck you.

i'm still rocking needle encrusted scorpion and some ilvl200 blue
Sanitarium said:
fuck you.

i'm still rocking needle encrusted scorpion and some ilvl200 blue

luls. i almost gave up on ever getting it and was using war-token and reg wfs. when i pugged raids it never dropped. when i joined a guild i had to build dkp, but thankfully in guild runs it dropped like candy. 3 weeks in a row it dropped so i was sure id get it soon and just pooled dkp. but i was upset the person to win it before me was a muti rogue. so i raged a bit, but now im happy i have one. the arp is amazing, the procs are sick...but honestly the coolest part is killing a mob (to proc it) then using swift flight form =P

oh btw if you're over 1k arp ditch the NES, its better to get a trinket like wfs or even that arpen one from toc 5 man since the proc puts you wayyy over hard cap.

*all info from feral druid P.O.V and assuming you are too, different classes get ArP through talents or battle stance for ex. i had to get all 1400*
playing a SV hunter atm because i dont have the base ArP to warrant the switch to full arp gems and MM spec.

i have shit luck for drops (8 weeks in icc10 on this hunter, not a single WFS). probably 10 weeks in icc25 on this hunter and ive seen one DBW that got looted to a fucking PvP warrior who quit the guild soon after. i'd go with the herkumi token, but the base stat of however much haste is just fucking awful for hunters.
I used to raid and arena hardcore in BC... not even close in Wrath.

I didn't know you were from Shadowburn too Twinkzruz :p
Taitaih said:
I used to raid and arena hardcore in BC... not even close in Wrath.

I didn't know you were from Shadowburn too Twinkzruz :p

<< Represents Shadowburn. Was big into Arenas in S2 and S3 on my Paladin and my 19 Rogue was pretty active there (before the change that killed twinks on Shadowburn). Both were from Lightninghoof (as well as the original Inkobah).

Never really spent much time raiding besides casual raids here and there and filling in gaps for guild runs...just takes way too much time.

I'm pretty much the only shadowburn rep for 49s on Ruin :), but all of my main toons and twinks all come from Moonrunner.
Yeah my main 80's are from Shadowburn, and that's where i started my twinking lifestyle :p

And i'm an officer because the guild leader (she alternates with Acer) is really nice, and i'm one of the best warlocks there because i can easily orgonize a big raid for them, and it's easy to understand when i explain something we're doing wrong. Also i'm pretty bad ass. I am lacking a very few components, but that's just because i'm not as active as i used to be.

Here's my other shaman in this guild, but i barely even play on her, it's very very rare.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Xshaman @ Staghelm - Profile

Here's my DK that was hacked, and Blizzard never helped me get his gear back.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Blocnuh @ Frostmane - Profile

He wasn't much, but i enjoyed playing DK's, didn't have much gear though, kinda cut me off after i just got to 80. But i had ulduar weapons and full Naxx gear : /

From that same guild, i have my Holy/Ret paladin. He's pretty good, but like my warlock he's missing pieces, but more for him :(

The World of Warcraft Armory - Skyflakez @ Frostmane - Profile
After having to explain the Kael fight in TK too many times I stopped being a raid leader :p.
-.- Well haha, i'm just glad my guild has some competance. The most i ever really had to say was "Why the fuck would you stand in the flame wave?"
Taitaih said:
After having to explain the Kael fight in TK too many times I stopped being a raid leader :p.

Haha...I feel your pain Taitaih. Few things are worse than having to explain an encounter every week because there's always someone that doesn't understand the importance of reading the strat and watching vids. /facepalm


P.S. Excuse the run-on.
I started raiding ICC10 as soon as it came out on my old realm (coilfang) with my guild Citadel of Assassins, who were #4 or something on the realm for progression (not saying much there). I pretty much quit raiding when absolutely nothing dropped for me for a really, really, really long time. Not even like, something would drop and someone else would win it, but nothing for my class would drop period.

Coilfang pretty much had 2 good guilds, one broke up permanently, while the other reformed. They got Algalon 25 server first kill about 2-3 weeks after ICC came out. A sponsored guild from some other server transferred to us to get server firsts in ICC or some shit, but then they broke up and reformed, taking the best off our realm (all four of them), and still didnt get any server firsts. Then I transferred to a realm that pugged what most progression guilds on Coilfang still wiped on every night.

sorry for the cool story
I've always been fascinated how some servers are pugging what other servers are struggling with. My home server always seemed to suck at progression compared to most other servers. That's probably one of the reasons why I just never really got into it...Naxx (as well as Kara and ZG) was srs bzns for way too long on my server, etc. Plus I hate the carrot on the stick that goes along with raiding.

my server has been pugging lk 10 kills since 15 or 20% buff, not too shabby. few guilds with 25 h lk and stuff. my guild is pretty middle of the road...cant decide if i should app to a higher one now or wait to see what cata brings for my guild.

we got to lk 25 normal and extended the lockout but then only gave him a few hours of attempts, on one night, before we called it and started a fresh clear - dont ask me why. so instead of trying to progress and kill lk we take a step back, w/e. AND for the past 3 or so weeks we stopped doing heroic 10mans where we were actually progressing quite well, and reverted back to normal. have no fucking idea why...and the worst part is i cant get into the group killing lk (still dont have lk title but im almost always #1 on meters in heroics). all i want is to try and progress in 25.....go back to icc 10 heroics....or at least get my god damn title.

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