Are War Games working for you?


I tried initiating a WSG with some twink friends and I couldn't get it to go. Just kept getting a 'This person was unavailable to join the queue' for both parties. Has anyone been able to get War Games to work for them on their twinks?
A few guildies and I talked to a GM tonight who actually made a character and que'd in a Wargame with us - He said he was gonna report the bug to the dev team. We also told him about the BG problems and he said he'd report those too! Hopefully they'll get fixed soon! :)
Msragepaint said:
A few guildies and I talked to a GM tonight who actually made a character and que'd in a Wargame with us - He said he was gonna report the bug to the dev team. We also told him about the BG problems and he said he'd report those too! Hopefully they'll get fixed soon! :)

Msrage do you have Screen Shots (from now on called SS) of this conversation as if you do this might go further. What I mean by that is with SSes You could post them in Blizz Forums and others could hop on board to press the issue and get a fix .

Im personally am under the impression that broken exp off Bgs for 60s is a low priority for Blizz and unless we as a community have fire power to press the issue it will continue to be ignored.

In closing I hope this issue is fixed sooner then later I miss Healing on my druid to the point I actually am leveling another one to 85 .
velvettouch said:
Msrage do you have Screen Shots (from now on called SS) of this conversation as if you do this might go further. What I mean by that is with SSes You could post them in Blizz Forums and others could hop on board to press the issue and get a fix .

Im personally am under the impression that broken exp off Bgs for 60s is a low priority for Blizz and unless we as a community have fire power to press the issue it will continue to be ignored.

In closing I hope this issue is fixed sooner then later I miss Healing on my druid to the point I actually am leveling another one to 85 .

Agh, no, I do not have any screenshots of the conversation as it was initiated by a guild mate petition - Just asked him and he didn't take any. However the GM did make a character and we showed him the War Game bug, we also showed him the broken BG ques while he was in our group, we even showed him the bug with XP-On BG queing (how you can que for instances to check if your BG que is bugged). We did finally get a WSG Que pop and the GM watched us wreck and he said "twinks are fun."

At the end of the issue, he told us that he was going to make sure the Dev Team was informed about these bugs.

I also reported the same bugs on a GM ticket and received conformation in an in-game mail stating that they'd look into it.

Encourage ALL of your guild members to report these BG bugs as i'd love to see some XP-Off bg's become avaliable!
You get much better responses than I do. I never get them to respond on time and the best I get is a bunch of offline responses which do not usually help. Over the course of 8 days and 4 gm tickets they finally said that it was a bug they would look into and couldn't explain it at all.
Ive reported it a few times, They said they will forward it to the quality assurance team and working on getting it fixed

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