The key is once subscription ends only <= level 20s can be "played" with restrictions without a subscription. So, if you are Earthen and <= 20 then there shouldn't be an issue playing them without a subscription. The Earthen are tied to having 'The War Within' expansion on your account not necessarily a subscription.
Now if trying to create an Allied Race on a Starter Account, requires having the content enabled/unlocked which currently only up to Dragonflight is available to the Starter Account minus any reputation or achievement to unlock the previous Allied Race/Locations/Renown/etc. prior to TWW.
Caveat, if a level >= 70 content then you may not be able to reach that area on a <= level 20 character without assistance. I.E. Emerald Dream area in Dragonflight one can currently use the DF Engineering wormhole toy to reach that area <= 70. But as another example, Nazjatar in BFA is fairly locked out without assistance via a Warlock summon or some other method.