are Boomkins viable in this bracket?

I really love playing a boomkin, one of the funniest out there imho. But it seems to me that they have to survivability in this division. At 48 i pretty much have all the best blue gear that could be obtained and im still getting tore up by ret pallies, rogues and hunters. And to be honest its not even a close call, they normally 2 shot me. The lack of good leather spell damage gear is more than likely the problem.

Is it just better to level to 59 and try there?
I think you should do, what YOU think is best / funniest..

but thats just my opinion :)
Honestly as a Boomkin, you'll be doing much more healing than damage. However your hybrid build allows you to survive longer.

I've never had any issues with Boomkins when my rogue was in the bracket, and I tried Bowtai in the bracket as a Boomkin, however I was already always focused when I was feral, so when I got focused as a Boomkin, it was really bad. Lack of CC hurts, and you aren't as durable as feral.

I'd recommend always having a set of HoTs on you and focusing on healing yourself while your DoTs tick your target down. Kill things slowly while healing yourself up basically :p
I have a very decent set for SP and for feral, but my HP in SP gear is just pitiful compared to the damage that can be afflicted upon me by melee. And the only CC i have is roots which breaks after a 2K starfire crit, but most plate just shacks that off and proceed to pound me. So what usually ends up happening is I cast roots, get distance Starfire/moonfire/roots run away and start all over. But thats just not very productive. Just gets frustating cuz i cant stand toe-2-toe with any melee class.

On another note tho, guarding a flag stealthed in boomkin, then 1 shotting someone trying to take the flag is priceless :).
One of the major issues with Boomkin is their ability to withstand 2+ twinks beating on them at least in my opinion. My rogue had at least Blind, warlock just pure dots and fear bombs as well as death coil.
I recently leveled my druid to 49 for boomkin. For now I am having a lot of fun playing it. The only class that can really give me problems is paladins. But as the others said, your survivability against a couple twinks is not good.
Every spec is viable if you gear it to the max, add in the fact you will have +spell gear you should be able to heal good to if you play right.
its viable if you can play it like saucon said but always keep a straight dps and a regular spell power set. keep things like "of nature's wrath" to replace your feet gloves etc, but keep main things that are rare if you have them with spell power in general for style points. imo healing is gonna be your main thing as a boomkin anyways in the 49 bracket. hybrid is the best spec for that bracket if your gonna cast.
The problem im really having in this bracket is ret pallies pretty much 2 shotting me, as well as most hunters. Rogues just stun lock me. I pretty much have as much stam as i could without losing too much spell power. The real problem stems from having to use mostly cloth gear for any decent spell damage.
I think Boomkins are viable, however, from what I've experienced I have to say that they are hybrid viable and not as damage viable. Yes they have some nice burst, but they also suffer from lack of CC and ways to shake opponents. Survivability is very low since most pieces of gear come from cloth.

Ret Paladins can easily kill a target without any self heals. Same with Shadow Priests. They both have very good ways to shake off opponents (Hammer of Justice and Psychic Scream).

In retrospec, I'd like to see a Boomkin stand up to a Hunter and try to get a Starfire stun off. I've learned to walk into every fight starting with a HoT or even two. To be completely viable as a Boomkin, you must be willing to be patient and let your DoTs do some work while keeping yourself alive and spamming Wrath in between. I'm even thinking of taking talent points out of talents that boost Starfire damage and going for talents that improve survivability and sustainability through long fights.

I think the videos that have been posted of 49 Boomkins shooting off 2k starfire crits are very bad examples of what they're realistically capable of. Yes they're capable of that, but at what cost?
I loved nothing more than coming out of shadowmeld and Starfire critting someone trying to cap a flag for 2+k, but im not trying to just get big 1 shot kills. Survivability is 1 of the most important factors in any BG and boomkins are very lacking here. So im leveling to 59 and going to see how it pans out there.
honestly id just take the safe road a roll like any other dps build lol...honestly i cant think of a class that wouldnt be a safe bet at 49 besides boomkin
The problem im really having in this bracket is ret pallies pretty much 2 shotting me
Stealth>pounce>drop into bear.. more often than not, Rets will stun (most likely HoJ but sometimes Repent) and then judge SoC which autocrits (<the only QQ about pally I have) they may or may not follow it up with their second stun to try and burst you down in addition to their autoswings.

Being in bear helps to sponge this damage. Trigger Nature's grasp.. this will force a Hand of Freedom but that's ok, it'll buy you a couple seconds of running away time.

Travel out, you might get hit with JoJustice depending on his cooldowns but once you do (or get a suitable length away) pop out, HoT>IS, and ERoots once HoF is done.

Starfire>Moonfire>IS(if it needs refreshing) heal if you need it and just play keep away. Travel Form > Roots to force HoF> Travel Form> Roots>Starfire>Moonfire> repeat. If you end up in a DPS vs. FoL spamming contest, you win. If he runs away, remember that Travel Form is faster. If he bubbles, remember that Travel Form is faster. =)

as well as most hunters.
I got nothing >_<

Rogues just stun lock me.
live through Cheap and trinket Kidney>Bear Form> Bash>Faerie Fire>Travel Form> Good Game

The real problem stems from having to use mostly cloth gear for any decent spell damage.
While at 49 there is SP leather available, the level's item budget has to make room and account for the extra armor and so we lose out on a little here and there and it blows.. but what are ya going to do?

Moonkin are perfectly viable. The hang up for most people is that people try to play them like mages, and they are not mages. They do not have the abilities to escape that a mage does, and in order to be effective, they have to be played somewhat defensively and evasively.
Taitaih said:
I think the videos that have been posted of 49 Boomkins shooting off 2k starfire crits are very bad examples of what they're realistically capable of. Yes they're capable of that, but at what cost?

Moonkins are OP imo, just make sure you have 3 points in natures focus instead of wrath of cenarius and you can take pretty much any class 1v1 cept locks with glyph of devour magic. Wrath is better DPS than starfire as well, and benefits from 70% anti pushback, the only downside is you can get locked out of nature but moonfire spam usually prevails.
Moonkins tend to have to play incredibly defensive against most DPS classes, healing and letting their dots do the work. This works fine against pure DPS classes, but it's harder against hybrids who can put out ample DPS and heal at the same time. (They have that benefit as well however :))

Unfortunately they're a class that needs to be able to sit back and just shoot. If you had to return a flag against 3 other people, I'd definitely take a ret pally's durability. If you could hide behind a tree and starfire/wrath away, Moonkins all the way baby.

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