are 39s fun?


hello 39s. I had a 19 priest but thot twinking was dead so i lvled him (for all u 19s out their ik it was a bad idea to lvl!). Now he is 32 so i was just wondering if 39s are fun? Expensive? also if you have any cons to 39s that you are willing to share please do!


39 are fun if u are in a battlegroup that gets wsg pops.

it's completely different from 19 pvp tho.
ATM 39 is the most balanced bracket. This si ofc if you got more or less BIS gear. If you lack a few itms its ok, but at bis its totally awesome and balanced. Skill mostly wins the games, unlike many other brackets the victory isnt set once you see what classes you face but when the game is actually over. Skillcap is IMO much higher then many other brackets, its not as much burst its just awesome;) But, this may, and probably wil change in cata. So many changes, its to easy to fuck up a perfect bracket. ATM you can litteraly roll close to every spec and still be competitive. Priests are one of the strongest classes and not over populated, however I wouldnt go shadow in arena if I were you. Try it out! ;)
Personnaly I love more 39's than 29, even tho I used to dig 29 a lot. Not even talkin 19 I can't stand that bracket. I don't know anything about 49's might be fun too.
39s is my favorite bracket. And disc priests are good and fun to play at 39. I disagree that it's perfectly balanced though. Hunters are still pretty ridiculous but it's not near as bad as in the 19 or 29 brackets. If I were you I'd try it out. I think you'll like it.

it will be (a bit) more bursty in cata then it is now, but 49 will be even more bursty, so i think (rather hope), that 39 will remain the most balanced bracket .. though - hum ... my mage did 1680 arcane blast crits (1. cast) on ptr, tested on some 36mob w/o any buffs but currently bis gear.

have to see what hunters and rogues do , but i guess they will be close
Steamed said:
so what battle group?

Nightfall is the BG you'll want. I could tell you a few servers to check out if you can tell me whether you're ally or horde. You can also head over to the Nightfall forums and take a look yourself. GL w/ 39s. You'll love it.

im alliance,

btw this is probably an overasked question but are their crossrealm boas or should i buy two devouts, 1 for my shaman and 1 for my priest im xferring
inb4. No 39 is totally un-fun, were just here to waste our time, and, much more important, to waste YOUR time.


Inkobah said:
Nightfall is the BG you'll want. I could tell you a few servers to check out if you can tell me whether you're ally or horde. You can also head over to the Nightfall forums and take a look yourself. GL w/ 39s. You'll love it.


This is true if you are US (granted, location of Steamed states USA, but fyi for any EU Players), if you are EU you should head to Blackout.

Draenor for Alliance, and Al Akir for Horde, iirc.


Steamed said:
im alliance,

btw this is probably an overasked question but are their crossrealm boas or should i buy two devouts, 1 for my shaman and 1 for my priest im xferring

If you're alliance then head to jaedenar, BoAs are not xrealm and I would reccomend finishing your twink before xferring as BoE gear will be more expensive on a 39 server.

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