Are 15/16 twinks any good?


I haven't been keeping up with this bracket for a long time, and I'm wondering if level 15/16 are any good because I've been seeing a few here and there. Does the gear scaling for a level 15/16 make them a better choice for certain classes than being level 19? Or should one just be level 19? Any information would be welcome about this, I'm asking because I think it would be entertaining to be a level 15/16 apposed to a level 19. Also what classes if any would make good 15/16s? Not interested in rogue so yeah...
I wouldn't necessarily say they are better, I would say they can be efficient at what they do and can be a fun change.
I would state that hunters can be better actually, you get more AP in terms of scaling, aswell as crit etc, than a 19 hunter, and as you have disengage and scatter, the only thign you miss is mend pet. Also i've heard that 15 priests might be better.
I would state that hunters can be better actually, you get more AP in terms of scaling, aswell as crit etc, than a 19 hunter, and as you have disengage and scatter, the only thign you miss is mend pet. Also i've heard that 15 priests might be better.

What about shamans? Are they worth being level 15 even though you lack purge or only worth playing at 19?
I can't speak to the 15-19 bracket, but I can say that in the 20-24 bracket, my 21 rogue scales nicely.

I have a 24 rogue that has basically the cookie cutter, close to BiS set for sub.
I also have a 21 rogue that is geared well too... BVB etc...

The 21 rogue hits harder for sure.

When I came back (left right before the enchant patch), I thought item scaling was gone. Then someone in a WSG told me to move an item to my bag to see what it was scaling to... still scaling nicely. Before I left, the item scaling showed in your eqpt slots.

Anyhow. I'd say yes, scaling is worth it.

PS. I forgot, I played a couple 19 XP OFF games the other day and a 16 priest did just fine in one of the games.

Edit: I just wanted to add, that 21 Rogue of mine is my favorite character to play right now. I have a BiS 24 shadow priest, warlock, hunter, etc... of all those toon, I would rather play the 21 rogue.
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