arcane fc? OP?


arcane talent that gives u 35% movement speed increase after u blink? can a arcane mage cross the field faster than the other current fc?
the movement speed is nice, but only temporary. It won't hold them off for long, especially against other O speed users (hunter/shaman/druid). Also remember that they're squishies with no ability to heal themselves without bandages or a healing partner.
If you had to FC as a mage, you would FC as Frost due to the CC+Slows it gives. If you really had to carry the flag across mid, equip stam set, about 2k health, roll 'cross the midfield freezing everything in sight; blinking when things get too hectic.

But Hunters would still just shit all over you.
You would never want to run a Mage FC in premades, but in pugs they work just fine. Any coordinated offense would stop a Mage in it's tracks.
Holy Paladins have great survival due to instant healing casts and being a mail user.

Prot Warriors have great survival vs melee classes due to 20% block chance most of the time and being a mail user

Restro Druids have great survival due to self healing, travel form, and bear form.

Arcane Mages are not viable FC's. Tho who am I to say what's the best FC? One of the best premading teams used a rogue as their FC. So you never know.
Yeah MYT right?

Well that was in the 60% dodge period of rogues, and I believe there were no dimishing returns on the Dodge back then?
There are better classes, Id say go frost or arcane and if your ever in a position where u can get flag i mean go for it but there are alot better classes and a premade wouldnt want an FC mage
for horde mage might be a good fc choice as their abilities make the horde tunnel jump easier.

i remember hamcake did a youtube bit on how to perform all the major jumps with a mage, slowfall and blink are pretty powerful abilities. The loss of frost armor hurts, but you still have the tools to be a good fc.
god... reading this thread reminded me of Stonemaul in '08... damn i miss tommyt, leetbix, ezeron, lengthy and all them.

ignore this post... just nostalgia'ing
I FC on my mage quite a bit and while its really good in PuGs, I would not even try to use it in premades. Its really fun to grab a flag and basically sprint it across mid when needed, but I prefer to pass it to a pally when I get there if its a stalemate.

The real advantage is you dont have to gimp yourself to FC in it. I often do in the top 2-3 for killing blows or damage and I dont have to swap any gear to FC if needed.

I run about 1600 Hps, close to 2000 with rumsy and priest buff, with 167 spellpower, but it could be more if I needed it. I just prefer not to auto die to hunters and rogues, plus I dont have a hard time killing things except some healers.

It is very very fun to be forced to blink dodge entire armies to get across mid, but I wouldnt try it if your awareness is low or if your new to it.
SSB64 said:
You can purge the movement increase they get too, so unreliable.

shamans, theyre everywhere.

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