Arathi Basin


Soooooo I'm not sure why people are only que'ing for WSG right now, but at least que for both battlegrounds, so maybe we can get some AB games going...I miss ninja capping flags!!! :p
I agree that we should be playing AB at 19 also. I like AB and think it is fun. The walk is not that big of a deal. Used to do it all the time, but it just doesn't pop. Not enough queing for it.

I just wish we had Battle For Gilneas available for low levels, its a good BG. Pretty much the same as WSG, just different terrain and buildings.
Eh AB once in awhile is fun, but without mounts it's long walks.
even as a rogue at 70, other than when the BG first starts is about the only time i mount or if i'm re-resing at starter GY. stay in stealth. rogues are too squishy to be caught on mounts.

at 70...never mount on my rogue in WSG........never
Ab is not fun in any bracket.. its hard enough to try n cordinate 10 ppl in wsg let alone 15 ppl with more things to do...not worth the frustration imo

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