Arathi Basin - The Goods And Bads

Position on queuing for Arathi Basin?

  • I'm not against queuing for Arathi Basin

    Votes: 22 61.1%
  • I will not queue for Arathi Basin.

    Votes: 14 38.9%

  • Total voters


I understand that moving around that map could be a pain in the ass but I feel like thr are more upsides then downsides to queuing Arathi Basin. Every single time I queue warsong I see 1 of 3 situations go down. A team either gets farmed or farms while a few teammates in the back pick off the people that escaped and if I'm lucky I get into a game where the game is mid fight oriented and objective based. I feel like I would run into more objective based games with Arathi Basin.

My question to the community is why don't you queue Arathi Basin?
you spend like 90% of the bg running around because you dont have a mount...
I think what puts people off Arathi Basin is the map being a lot larger than Warsong Gulch and without a mount they feel it's like walking from the bottom of Eastern Kingdom to the top. Another factor may be that it is out of their 'norm' and they do not like the idea of trying something different.
Arathi Basin has always been my favourite battleground, behind Alterac Valley.
I think what puts people off Arathi Basin is the map being a lot larger than Warsong Gulch and without a mount they feel it's like walking from the bottom of Eastern Kingdom to the top. Another factor may be that it is out of their 'norm' and they do not like the idea of trying something different.
Arathi Basin has always been my favourite battleground, behind Alterac Valley.

I think these two factors are most of the issue, but they also lead to some more real issues as a result.

The long distances people can get used to -- a lot of us probably played 29s when mounts were at 40 and AB was a blast then. However, the relatively slower movement compared to the size of the field means that team work is much more important - coordinating players and having them actually follow a leader or two makes a huge difference, and something that doesn't often happen in pugs. AB is already more technical than WSG in terms of capping and defending flags, and the longer distances make the team work more technically challenging as well. Those are the things that make it more fun a lot of the time, too.
in que for 4 months and 3 winters

but at least you can still scroll click the flag. I think I have played 3-4 19 ABs, but it was thanks to lethal synergy and I think LSFTW for helping get the majority of the slots filled, most people that que ab when it pops are also qued for WSG, so what happens is right after the AB is over, Usually a WSG pops
Ab is garbage certainclasses have way too much advantage woth mobility

and with all these fotm ele sham rerolls have fun being punted off lm like pitha
I don't want to waste my time like in alterac valley or Conq Island shit @ main. Give twins peaks to 19s will be better or even the pool BG with 4 orbs.
I think these two factors are most of the issue, but they also lead to some more real issues as a result.

The long distances people can get used to -- a lot of us probably played 29s when mounts were at 40 and AB was a blast then. However, the relatively slower movement compared to the size of the field means that team work is much more important - coordinating players and having them actually follow a leader or two makes a huge difference, and something that doesn't often happen in pugs. AB is already more technical than WSG in terms of capping and defending flags, and the longer distances make the team work more technically challenging as well. Those are the things that make it more fun a lot of the time, too.

Its unlikely to happen but I would love to be a part of or watch an Arathi Basin premade (guild vs guild) because of exactly what you said.
Used to do AB premades in 39s back in BC, where we would stay at one node and play king of the hill. One guild would defend the node until they were all dead with the flag capped, then the other would, and back and forth, until one team reached 2000.

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