Arathi Basin Friday 4 February [EU]

Start queuing 20:00, hope to see you there! :)
i want to queue on my new hunter but i probably shouldn't :(

no boas on that server yet, no agms or pvp trinket, and no helm....but i wanna plaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy
Xposure said:
Start queuing 20:00, hope to see you there! :)

Why so late? Much more likely to get pops earlier? Surely.

All the ABs that've happened currently, EU and US, have been alot earlier than this?

Perhaps a rethink?
Xposure said:
I figured some would be at work for a while.

Oh right, wow. Didn't realise this was for a Friday.


Thought Sunday as a day would be much, much better. Not like trying to shit on your parade at all, best of luck obviously. Any AB pops at anytime =s good news.

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