Anything new going on?

I've been playing since the 3.1.1 exo nerf, and overall, my rogues feel much more balanced in BGs; albeit, I can no longer solo three guys at an AB node with the loss of 800 HP, but as a friend told me, I wasn't supposed to be able to do that.

With the exception of hunters owning everything (a good hunter can keep me kited, forcing me to vanish and hope to get a good opener), the BGs are a bit satisfying.

Is there anything new and exciting happening on the twink front (other than the new scope controversy hitting the 19s bracket)?

The only "complaint" (and I use that term loosely) is that while I get insta BG pops on my alliance toons, so few twinks (or even good non-twinks) are queueing. For the past few nights, I've been like one of 6 guys getting wasted by a BG full of horde twinks. Meh.
Same goes here. On my 49 warrior there are usually 2-3 twinks including me, while there are a few more on the horde side most of the times, but I my best to win the game and we 80% win. Not that I get top damage, I also get top flag returns/captures. All about the teamplay and skill.

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