Anyone watch the leaked Wolverine movie?

If so what are your thoughts? I read that it was a very early version and that there are missing scenes and whatnot.
No, Xman 3 is Usual Suspects compared to this shite. No continuity in any Marvel universe. I can list my objections but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
I was going to watch it later today actually.




looks like it has/had potential.. but you guys didn't like it, eh?
It has been moved around so much and other users post it back up. They can't stop it now. I don't want to get into details about the movie because that would go into what I did not like about it. I will add that I will go see it in the theatre. I think it had a lot of positives but it is a FOX movie that is the problem.
Juke said:
I was going to watch it later today actually.




looks like it has/had potential.. but you guys didn't like it, eh?

all three great roles in the film. Great actors weak action.
I never understood watching these leaked movies. It's not even ready to be seen in theaters, but you want to watch some bootlegged crappy version of what was probably sitting on the cutting room floor?
Most electronics-peddlers live off the human nature(?)/desire to have the new and exciting as soon as possible. It's how console developers get 4-500 usd for "next gen".. how cell phone manufacturers get 2-300 usd for a fvcking phone..

It's why people waited hours and hours in rain and snow to buy Wrath.

It's no different with movies

Plus.. you get to see a 8-10 usd movie for free :D
I wouldn't pay for it or anything - but if its free... I'll watch it. Especially if I have nothing to do for a few hours. 3 days on the road with my band... you gotta have something entertain yourself with.

I watched the movie - I thought it was pretty good. It wasn't great, had some issues, but it was still entertaining. I'm looking forward to seeing it on the big screen.
It seems that all the leaks were plugged.. except for the Torrents

All the hosted stream sites took it down due to complaint of infringement

I don't plan on seeing it until after the release date, when the stream sites are able to put it up again.

The thought of paying 8-10$ to watch a movie in a theatre is ridiculous to me now..
Juke said:
The thought of paying 8-10$ to watch a movie in a theatre is ridiculous to me now..

Just hit on the girl working the ticket booth. It works for me. I have been dating the girl at mine for about 4 weeks now. I have not paid for a movie since the first night. If you local theatre has a guy that works up there well keep it casual and take one for the team.

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