Anyone noticing a significant boost in power after 11.1?


Posted something similar in the 20’s. Unfortunately I’m on a cruise and can’t log on. Just curious because it seems like most classes got significant buffs, except resto kitty

Protection Warrior 2handed Execute. Yes, all Warr specs got a 10-25% dmg buff.
I took wacky out for a spin yesterday, I used a one key rotation and I bet ya can't guess which :LULW: I was over 80% but then the druid stopped sandbagging.
I got other projects too but I still find this extremely amusing.

I que'd as dps and had the tank on follow like a good boy.
I went to the 4 target dummies in Zuldazar for a quick test on my level 11 Fury Warrior
This patch 780 dps over 5 minutes, That is 11 million dps to a 80
Last patch 673 dps over 5 minutes, That is 9.6 million dps to a 80
Thats a 16% increase

Did a little more testing because i was wondering if slam is still worth it on single target or if whirlwind was buffed enough to overtake it
On my highly unscientific 5 minute st tests both slam and ww, bloodthirst on cd for both, are at 320 dps for me
So i would say you can safely take slam off your bars unless you just like another button to hit
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