Any point?

My rogue who has a bunch of GF shit and really good gear just got absolutely shit on by a leveling mage in heirlooms

uh.. Maybe... gitgud?
You can't say that blatantly, and blame the game???? 4 real
It sounds like you no longer find enjoyment in retail twinking which means that no, there probably isnt any point in your continuing.

that seems to be jumping to conclusion given that OP only played a few games after a long hiatus.
It sounds like "Rogue is good if you queue exclusively with premades, against other premades being a sap bot or training an FC, and you only leave stealth when it's 1v1 or if you have a healer"

In any other situation, rogue leaves stealth to actually play and not just be a sap bot and you get obliterated by classes that 1 shot and run around the game 1 shotting everyone, rarely ever dying. But Rogue is the one that's S tier and not the classes that can literally 1 shot. Okay!
I can tell you that historically speaking for battlegrounds, rogues jobs have always been, 1. Steal bases. 2. Kill EFC. 3. Lock down enemy healers for your teams push. Or 4. Run smoke bomb and drop that with cc on kill target for push. Rogue in my experience has never been a mid fighting class. Also at least for me at level 29 if I come out of strealth to engage anyone, I always have a plan to get out if things go south. Not to mention that I can almost always 1v2 or even 1v3 without ever really getting one shot.

As I stated before. Upgrade your gear. Get some versatility. I've got around 30% unbuffed. Survivability works wonders in pvp.

Edit: Also, I only play sub and have only played sub rogue since 04. If you play Outlaw or Sin at 29 then you'll need some milk!
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