any 80 twink guilds come cata?


anyone US side going to think about doing a lvl 80 twink guild once cata hits shelves this november? I am definetely staying 80, and am looking for a place to go come cata where i can sit at 80 and be twinked. Any input would be greatly apprecciated.
im not wanting to twink in lower brackets. I simply want to play my 80s. Anyone else doing this?
I don't think it will be very popular, for the following reasons;

- WOTLK (LVL 80) has been the worst expansion since BC and a lot of great players left the game shortly after S5 and a lot of those were trying out Warhammer, which failed.

- Have a look at Blizzard's (ATVI : Stock Exchange code) share price, and you'll notice the massive decline a few months after WOTLK was released...You can not deny the proof of what raw numbers provide :)...

I'll even give you a link - Activision Blizzard, Inc Share Price | ATVI - Yahoo! Finance UK (Go to the left and click on basic chart)

- PVE content was no where near as exclusive as lets say 60 or 70 content was in comparison. Meaning; not everyone @ level 60 was able to step foot in naxxrammas (during Vanilla WoW). Not everyone was able to complete Sunwell pre/post nerf (During BC).

- When I was level 70 (On Blackrock which is a damn good progression based server), I don't think I saw any raids PUG, AND complete Sunwell, unless the top PVE guild on the server was selling loot etc.

- The exclusiveness of PVE content in general since WOTLK was released has been downgraded, so basically we have 6K GS PVE heroes who never raided pre-wrath, (Or even pre Ulduar) though are yet able PUG 25man LK raids and a lot of the time, earn their Kingslayers...

If WOTLK was harder (in general), and the content was harder (meaning less players gaining access to the content), then I can see why people would want to twink @ 80 and have fun.

Aside from all the above points as to why I didn't like WOTLK; I quite enjoyed Season 6 and the Ulduar patch. Ulduar is my favourite raid in WOTLK, and probably the only raid I enjoyed this expansion.

Moving forward; WOTLK players will be the ones QQing about how hard Cata is going to be & how hard it is to kill 1 mob duriing levelling, whilst old school players will be cheering :)
taint doin it. props on being a hc raider and still have time to 70 twink with epoch soberz

btw people wont be struggling to kill mobs while we level lol damage and stamina are huge in quest gears and iill still mangle spam them down in 2 sec
btw falkor who is taint? and on what server will he be doing a 80 twink guild?
anyone doing an 80 twink guild? or have a bc guild that will allow wotlk 80 twinks?
Ugarak said:
btw falkor who is taint? and on what server will he be doing a 80 twink guild?

bro u srs? and 80 twinks wont be popular. know why? cuz everyone got to see LK during wotlk......barely anyone got to KJ in BC, which is why people wanna make 70s and do swp in content gear. but LK will draw none of that i foresee. people geared up, did content, and with 30% buff who hasn't seen LK?
ok. I was just simply wanting to know that is all.
Twinking at 80 would be completely retarded. The reason is quite simple, you would be pigeon holed into pve only. What do you think your going to do against a mage in blues at 85 with over 80k hp? Fing lose hardcore. The change in stats from 80-85 is ludicrous. That was only a mage, rogues, warriors, dks, etc will have well over 100k in dps gear.
tanks are going to have ~100k entering heroics...imagine raid gear, or pvp gear. wooooooooooo

yea def. wont be able to compete in BGs against them
Falkor said:
tanks are going to have ~100k entering heroics...imagine raid gear, or pvp gear. wooooooooooo

yea def. wont be able to compete in BGs against them

Im praying for 71-80 AV And 80 arena since im already in full bis -_-

+ Trophy toon so ;)
you know I didn't realize that they loped lvl 80s with lvl 85s that seems stupid....oh wait! maybe there putting 80s with the 71-80 bracket for AV?
Take a look at champions of ulduar thread, tell me if your interested. email me at

That is...if your still watching this thread

our main focus was going to be ulduar but we had to many complaints & suggestions to aim for all content so we're starting with naxx/os tier 7, edging into eoe, working our way into ulduar after that. Once we have ulduar on farm mode for all hard modes we'll begin in toc, toc isnt very big so we'll raid ulduar when and mostly we can. Once toc is heroic is on farm we'll step into icc. We'll try to take progression as slowly as possible because wotlk felt a bit rushed and we dont want that to happen as we just got done raiding icc for almost a year.

We are going to progress at a slow pace but not slow enough where we're camping. Our intentions at the moment are to only raid 10m as it will get us easier into raids. Over time we will have more players and eventually we aim to have a full 25m core with reservists. At this time we may start putting a pre-25 10 group (big confusing huh?).

Again let me know if your interested. We're still looking for members to fill core spots and always taking backups as they're always needed
Actually, yes. I've been looking for more raiders for my guild, <Anomalous>

We'll be pretty much what you're looking for, but we are a mostly PvE based guild, however there are some arena teams. We'll b doing progression style raiding with both gear and raids, meaning we're starting with Naxx and 200 - 213 gear, and working our way up. If you're interested, we are located on Draenor US, and you can contact Restodruid via mail or whisper.

Hope to see you soon!
Ug: I am going to start a 80 twink guild on my server Frostmane US alliance. Leveling my char right now he is lvl 43 going about a lvl + a day :) going to have to stop at 60-70 for pvp to get full wrathful tell me if your interested

Oh and you need to go full legit we won't let you get any cata gear and such
Squeakyjack said:
Ug: I am going to start a 80 twink guild on my server Frostmane US alliance. Leveling my char right now he is lvl 43 going about a lvl + a day :) going to have to stop at 60-70 for pvp to get full wrathful tell me if your interested

Oh and you need to go full legit we won't let you get any cata gear and such

Why dont you just...join one of the 2 above. Why create more competition. Your making the ones suffer and you'll suffer to. No guild is gonna get into 25m's if they have to compete for members all the time. If your problem is leadership, "interview" them. I've done it and it worked splendors for me

Please do not create anymore competition than we can afford
id suggest everyone join with vin...he seems to be the one with the most drive/organization. any other 80 guilds will just undermine his work and most likely have negative effects if people xfer, dont progress, get disillusioned, etc. just ruins it for everyone if you make a half ass guild basically

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