So, logging on I had little hope for any queue pops because of legion hype I thought everyone would be sitting on mains all day.
I decide to log on a old retired twink from 2007, I noticed some of my GF'd gear was ridiculously high ilvl compared to looms etc but a quick readup on this website I noticed people running white vendor gear from shattrath/CoS instead so I picked it up and head back into BGs, my stats werent ridiculously increased but nice enough to be head and shoulders above anyone else (levellers I assumed) further reading on here I understand this is a testing phase and ilvl is going to be more of a factor later.
Encountered a lock that dominated BGs so I quickly made a warlock to see whats up.
Reached lvl 10 in next to no time and jumped in BGs with whatever was highest on AH and my vendor gear.
My stats are - 3400hp, 60% haste, 50% crit and drain life that heals for 400 every 0.7secs.
Anyone else had similar experiences with warlocks having ridiculous heals?
I decide to log on a old retired twink from 2007, I noticed some of my GF'd gear was ridiculously high ilvl compared to looms etc but a quick readup on this website I noticed people running white vendor gear from shattrath/CoS instead so I picked it up and head back into BGs, my stats werent ridiculously increased but nice enough to be head and shoulders above anyone else (levellers I assumed) further reading on here I understand this is a testing phase and ilvl is going to be more of a factor later.
Encountered a lock that dominated BGs so I quickly made a warlock to see whats up.
Reached lvl 10 in next to no time and jumped in BGs with whatever was highest on AH and my vendor gear.
My stats are - 3400hp, 60% haste, 50% crit and drain life that heals for 400 every 0.7secs.
Anyone else had similar experiences with warlocks having ridiculous heals?