An Introduction and LF Realm/Guild Post

Greetings all, been spending some time here but never registered until now. I play a 29 rogue twink named Voided (Horde side, Duskwood server). Or rather, I would play him. I finished gearing him right after 3.2 hit, and have never been able to join a game XD

I imagine he'll be fun to play. I imagine I'll enjoy it and probably have some Infected Mushroom playing in the background, but until I transfer to the proper server and pay Blizzard a fee for giving it to me in the ass (ironic, isn't it fellow twinks?) I will have to only think about how that will actually go, heh.

With that laborious introduction, I'm looking for a chill pvp guild, horde side, on a Reckoning BG PvE server (perhaps Skywall? Rampage?). Although I have yet to do any real pvp on this rogue, I have extensive pvp experience all the way from vanilla. I did MC a few times on my 60 rogue a few times and got so bored, until I discovered PvP. I've also done extensive PvP as a 60-70 lock, 70 priest, 60 rogue, and 80 dk. I spend about 70% of my playtime in PvP and not raiding.

Perhaps We Are Rampage?

I'm pretty much geared. Here's the toon profile: The World of Warcraft Armory

And sorry to make this so long, but I did have a question regarding gear. I'm not very happy with my Trash Blade's shitty proc. Would Dal Rend's be a better choice? Also, what would be a good dagger to use for ambushes? (prefer not to spend any more emblems on heirlooms.)

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all on the field. /salute
get hit capped, get a better MH, get tiger hunter gloves, get 4 stats to chest, get a para cloak with 12 agi and save tiger strike and put stealth on it.

other than that you would be good

Dal rends is much better, a good dagger is torturing poker
Skywall is where all the good horde guilds reside.

We are rampage was considered the joke of the bracket for a long time, then falarus xfered there, and started "saying" they were better than they skywall guilds even though everyone knows that's a ridiculous statement.

There are plenty of good guilds to chose from on skywall. Slash moan, Knights of Ni, fap fap sapper, glass shooter. If you xfer to dmaw you limit yourself to 1 guild that isnt very good, and doesnt do premades.
Nice, thanks a ton for the replies. I'll be transferring over to Skywall here then shortly.

Thanks also for the gear suggestions. I do have a question regarding enchants:

I see 29's that still have things like +8x to helm, and +15 agi to gloves. I thought Blizz eliminated the use of all BC chants etc. for twinks? Is it still possible to get BoE's and enchant them with a main toon?

Thanks again.
Voided said:
Nice, thanks a ton for the replies. I'll be transferring over to Skywall here then shortly.

Thanks also for the gear suggestions. I do have a question regarding enchants:

I see 29's that still have things like +8x to helm, and +15 agi to gloves. I thought Blizz eliminated the use of all BC chants etc. for twinks? Is it still possible to get BoE's and enchant them with a main toon?

Thanks again.

+15 agi to gloves is a prebc chant and can be used on all gloves. The librams now require level 50 to gain the stat bonus from the enchant. The BC leg armor kits require level 60 to activate. BC enchantments still work for the quest items that are ilevel 35+. All the shoulder enchants now have a level requirement as well.
TLA4lyf said:
Skywall is where all the good horde guilds reside.

We are rampage was considered the joke of the bracket for a long time, then falarus xfered there, and started "saying" they were better than they skywall guilds even though everyone knows that's a ridiculous statement.

There are plenty of good guilds to chose from on skywall. Slash moan, Knights of Ni, fap fap sapper, glass shooter. If you xfer to dmaw you limit yourself to 1 guild that isnt very good, and doesnt do premades.

FFS and GSftl got wrecked by a 7 man pug....scrub get owned

we are decent and you know it and we are starting to do premades. This is why ffS and GS have a bad name.
Valotian said:
+15 agi to gloves is a prebc chant and can be used on all gloves. The librams now require level 50 to gain the stat bonus from the enchant. The BC leg armor kits require level 60 to activate. BC enchantments still work for the quest items that are ilevel 35+. All the shoulder enchants now have a level requirement as well.

Perfect, ty. Answered everything I was wondering.

I knew the leg armors were level capped because my 19 had them and they turned red. Wasn't sure about the +8 to helm, and now I just need to grab those gloves from 1k needles and stick +15 agi on 'em.

Also, question heirloom weapons. While they own @ 22dps and some nice stats, since they are limited to vanilla chants like Crusader and Lifestealing (my current combo) would a slightly worse blue wep. with like Moongoose be better?

Also gonna get my eng. a little higher and get that cloak... didn't know it was enchantable with +12.

I love this forum so far, ty ppl.

As a final note, any horde guilds on Skywall interested in a rogue 29? Still working on gear a touch, but already got the Deadman's etc out of the way =)

Cptheal said:
FFS and GSftl got wrecked by a 7 man pug....scrub get owned

we are decent and you know it and we are starting to do premades. This is why ffS and GS have a bad name.

Before fal xfered everyone though you were atrocious. 1 player doesnt upgrade you from awful to decent.

Wasnt that game from ffs a pug v pug? I thought someone posted a ss, and there were only like 6 ffs in there?

Regardless, skywall has shoutout to nightfall, knights of ni, slashmoan, and both of crit's guilds. There are a ton to chose from, and its always good to keep some options open.
That's a sad rogue. If I were a guild leader I wouldn't take ya. Don't waste your money or time on twinks, it's all but over for all of us and you're years behind anyone who premades anymore.
Outofspace said:
That's a sad rogue. If I were a guild leader I wouldn't take ya. Don't waste your money or time on twinks, it's all but over for all of us and you're years behind anyone who premades anymore.

I feel differently about your predictions regarding the death of twinking. This will not kill it, and it isn't dead yet. If they ever officially kill it, ppl just need to QQ a lot and explain the other (good) side of twinking.

On that note, one of my fav things about the LLD scene is the fact gear is a million times easier to obtain. Many of the best-in-slots are quest drops/rewards, and with heirlooms, it's pretty easy.

Also, @epicenter.

I'm planning on getting Defiler's boots and belt, but haven't been able to queue so haven't gotten to do an AB QQ. Also at like 215 engi. atm, so I'll have para cloak with +12 really soon. Changed my amulet to true sight for the +11 hit. That, with the +9 from my chest puts me at 4.95% from those two slots. Getting Dal'Rend's today, and then going to use something like Scout's Blade temporarily to do ambushes etc.

On that note, does anyone use the cheap shot/ss/evi. combo anymore, or is it all about that giant opening dmg in LLD since everyone has such dismal hp?


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