EU+US Am I doing it right?


Scum of the earth
Yo guys, new to feral, currently enjoying my 20 f2p feral but got a question, what is the right way of opening on a feral. At the moment I open like this Rake -> Savage Roar -> Shred -> Tiger's fury -> Shred -> Shred -> Ferocious Bite/Rip.

Any feedback?
get glyph of savagery and you don't need to use savage roar, rake shred shred tigers shred shred 5 pt bite, if target is still alive get more damage gear or roll 29
Rake, shred, shred, and then it depends on what race you chose because you could warstomp or shadowmeld at this point.....but generally you just use tiger's fury after you've depleted your energy bar to get that extra combo point in and go for the fero bite. Changing how you open on an opponent to match the situation you're in is "doing it right" there isn't just one way to open and that's it....
depends what ur facing and what ur situation is, if ur looking for a big bite rake > SR > shread spam till 4 or 5 > TF > bite. rip isn't very good atm so ur just better off biting or saving combos for a fresh SR. best thing to do in games is to open on a target and build up combos then run away so that when u are on something worth killing (efc, healers) you already have a SR to get maximum burst. if ur using ur TF after ur first shread like you're doing now, ur bite wont be as big and even though ferals have good consistant dmg its better to go for a bigger bite
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depends what ur facing and what ur situation is, if ur looking for a big bite rake > SR > shread spam till 4 or 5 > TF > bite. rip isn't very good atm so ur just better off biting or saving combos for a fresh SR. best thing to do in games is to open on a target and build up combos then run away so that when u are on something worth killing (efc, healers) you already have a SR to get maximum burst. if ur using ur TF after ur first shread like you're doing now, ur bite wont be as big and even though ferals have good consistant dmg its better to go for a bigger bite
depends what ur facing and what ur situation is, if ur looking for a big bite rake > SR > shread spam till 4 or 5 > TF > bite. rip isn't very good atm so ur just better off biting or saving combos for a fresh SR. best thing to do in games is to open on a target and build up combos then run away so that when u are on something worth killing (efc, healers) you already have a SR to get maximum burst. if ur using ur TF after ur first shread like you're doing now, ur bite wont be as big and even though ferals have good consistant dmg its better to go for a bigger bite

Ty sir :)

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