Almost there


Almost to 85 i'm 81 as i type this
nothin special brah...more things to rage about if you ask me...
I wasnt aware of this

PushBack said:

Wow nice you should have dinged 85 by now! If not, keep strong!
Bragh said:
Wow nice you should have dinged 85 by now! If not, keep strong!

Havn't i just started school this week but i will this weekend maybe but i think i have a bike race :/ but IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!!

P.s. school started and i have had alot alot of algebra and US history homework so i have no time but i will be trying
For all who want to know my classes and levels i will list them as Main-I don't play much






P.s. I will level my warrior rogue pala to 85 before i start a new character but it will be a hunter (i will probaly pvp at low levels some just to see how strong they are in full BOA) but i will most likely delete my dk/priest
why does school matter?

i did 80-85 one day during school, college at that. youre in what, middle school, that means its that much easier since work is a joke
Falkor said:
why does school matter?

i did 80-85 one day during school, college at that. youre in what, middle school, that means its that much easier since work is a joke

Sorry bro i thought i put a not trolling bitch sign up on my post sorry if i didn't but you have to leave
PushBack said:
Sorry bro i thought i put a not trolling bitch sign up on my post sorry if i didn't but you have to leave

sorry youre a complete retard who doesnt even know the definition of trolling. youre legit in middle school..."homework" is a joke, you should be able to finish it in class unless you have downs. i was taking 16 credit hours, 3.5'd the semester, and did 80-85 in one day when cata launched. get@mebro

moms waiting for you to wake her up crying with an earache btw
Shermaan said:
what is the point of this thread..?

I love you? <3

Lunsh said:
i heard people who can level to 85 deserve a medal, congrats.

You heard that to?

Falkor said:
sorry youre a complete retard who doesnt even know the definition of trolling. youre legit in middle school..."homework" is a joke, you should be able to finish it in class unless you have downs. i was taking 16 credit hours, 3.5'd the semester, and did 80-85 in one day when cata launched. get@mebro

moms waiting for you to wake her up crying with an earache btw

Stop trolling you trolling troller trololololololol your a troll
For all who want to know my classes and levels i will list them as Main-I don't play much

Warrior-83 - now (84) almost to 85 i'm about 20% just leveled last night :) almost got my first 85

Rogue-84 - now (84) 2%

Paladin-67 - now (72)

dk-63 -deleted

priest-58 -deleted
PushBack said:
Stop trolling you trolling troller trololololololol your a troll
you have no idea what trolling is, clearly. now go cry to mom about more ear aches, HALP...TAKE ME TO THE HOPITAL WAAAAAAAAAA

PushBack said:
For all who want to know my classes and levels

nobody does. this is a stupid pointless thread that has no business in this subforum, or this site
Falkor said:
you have no idea what trolling is, clearly. now go cry to mom about more ear aches, HALP...TAKE ME TO THE HOPITAL WAAAAAAAAAA

nobody does. this is a stupid pointless thread that has no business in this subforum, or this site

I can't wait for you to get banned lol
PushBack said:
I can't wait for you to get banned lol

i wouldnt hold your breath. youre the problem here making useless threads and not even knowing what trolling is

11 year olds like you are the problem with the internet

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