Alliance ques - Make an Alliance Twink


More Alliance twinks needed:

I don't know about other times of day, but there is a huge time slot from 6pm central to about 10pm central that can easily be filled up with new alliance twinks.

Queing as horde from that time slot you pretty much run into Stuck at Graveyard (Paige, nocontest, etc) every single game. Which means there is almost nobody else queing alliance then, and you are just waiting for them to fill up the que roster every single game so your horde timer will pop (And if you don't run into them, there is no challenge AT ALL and you just spend 5 minutes standing in the Alliance graveyard because they have no twinks).

Que times are 5 minutes tops... not 20+ as they are for horde... so roll yourself an alliance and lets bolster up that time slot and make the games better and get away from this stupid mentality that twinking = graveyard farming which has basically become the norm now.
I made an ally druid last night.
[doublepost=1546729763,1546712766][/doublepost]Can confirm alliance isnt doing well in the few i played. Had 2 of our healers rping or something while everyone died.
Alliance is and always was terrible at its core. All levels. Not going to change because you add a few twinks to every game.
well gimme a week or so, was leveling a shaman for 19 bracket... misjudged that last dungeon run xD, now to go hunting for a gear list

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