Alliance hunters... cmon...

Hot Sauce

I've done 30 WSGs at lvl 20 so far and I've yet to be against an Alliance team with less than 6 hunters (Yes, i'm actually keeping track). Is facerolling without skill really that fun?
"Facerolling without skill really (that) fun", is the slogan for low level brackets and mage gameplay in one.
Xsifilad said:
"Facerolling without skill really (that) fun", is the slogan for low level brackets and mage gameplay in one.

mages are op
Strangely, I have never been in a WSG where there were that many hunters. But then I always queue with a full group. You should try it! Of course you will have better luck doing so if you come join us on Aerie Peak, where these problems largely don't exist.
Ciroe, that's because you are versing Horde, who from what I've found, have a greater variety of classes than Alliance (usually). Where Alliance might see Horde teams with 50%+ hunters in 1 in 5 battlegrounds, Horde see Alliance teams with 50%+ hunters 1 in 2 games.
Yeah there are a lot of faggots out there.

Im done with the bracket and WoW altogther after being interested in f2p for about 4 weeks, personally.
Yeah. I came back for the f2p. Really enjoyed it for a little bit, but the alliance hunters have ruined it for me. I'll be requiting wow now.
No, you misunderstand, I meant I never see that many hunters on my own side. I knew what you meant. I would not want to solo queue in this bracket because of the 24s and the multiboxers on Horde side. So my solution is... I don't solo queue. And that's why I really encourage you guys to come to AP, where you never have to solo queue again. I don't know if I'm making my point clear, I'm really multitasking at the moment, assembling multiple WSG groups on AP and responding to posts.
Well... I still solo q. Just finished initial cuts on 20ish pug vids. Lots of 24 and/or hunter action inc ;p
Ciroe said:
No, you misunderstand, I meant I never see that many hunters on my own side. I knew what you meant. I would not want to solo queue in this bracket because of the 24s and the multiboxers on Horde side. So my solution is... I don't solo queue. And that's why I really encourage you guys to come to AP, where you never have to solo queue again. I don't know if I'm making my point clear, I'm really multitasking at the moment, assembling multiple WSG groups on AP and responding to posts.

I agree.

DL the chat add on and jump in the conversation - tons of friendly peeps and they are always throwing together WSG or AB groups! It's nice to roll with people that are not total DBags or entirely clueless.

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