Alliance and their HUNTARDS!


Do Alliance roll anything else other than hunters? 2 weeks ago, i was against 9 hunters and 1 mage, 5 mins ago, 7 hunters? This has been going on for weeks, i urge Alliance hunters to roll other classes to make the games more balanced, This is seriously putting us Hordes off. Even if its your main twink, MAKE SOMETHING ELSE!
Yah both sides have alot of hunters, i was in a game yesterday with 4 ALLY and 6horde *hunters*.
Mate - it's more or less balanced, some days horde has 90% hunters, the next it's ally.
4+ pallies is pretty common too. Yet i don't come on here and bitch.
lolItsMutank said:
Needs more warriors :D

Was in a wsg the other day with 5 warriors and the rest rogues, was a pretty nice cc-fiesta for me and the mage i play'd with at that moment. =>

I was in a wsg the other day against a goblin hunter who had 500hp. I just mowed right thru him, being an enhance shaman it was so fulfilling to destroy a hunter, even if it was a nub <3

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