@All 39 Twink Guilds

*Note: My Sunblayde account is WoW forum perma-banned, and now my wife's account is in that weird "inactive" state pending renewal process...otherwise I'd be posting this on all BG forums.

So there's now talk about consolidation after Blizz's less-than-favorable response.

Fayun, I know you're trying to spearhead this on NF, and Lux seems to be trying to poll BL; don't know what's going on in Cyclone, SS or Ret, but if there's a plan to consolidate ALL twinks into one BG, I'd be amenable.

To be fair, however (and this is purely a a suggestion, though one I support) it may be best to move to a "neutral" or "near neutral" battlegroup (i.e., not in NF).

Another issue to consider is that Blizz removed the faction restriction, so we can literally all transfer to a PVP server, then engage in world PVP when queues aren't popping. I personally will have fun pwning my wife's drood with Sunblayde.

Any thoughts?
I will not be transfering at all (I'm on Nightfall btw). I think as Nightfall is already the most active (pre 3.2 anyways) if any efforts were made it should be ethier to Nightfall, or Cyclone. I know we are still getting lots of transfers and it would be kind of silly to try and uproot the whole Nightfall population. If you're going to Transfer I would say Nightfall or Cyclone has the best chances of surviving.
Castrophy said:
I will not be transfering at all (I'm on Nightfall btw). I think as Nightfall is already the most active (pre 3.2 anyways) if any efforts were made it should be ethier to Nightfall, or Cyclone. I know we are still getting lots of transfers and it would be kind of silly to try and uproot the whole Nightfall population. If you're going to Transfer I would say Nightfall or Cyclone has the best chances of surviving.

I understand where you're coming from, but if no one is willing to move to form a new "regime" as it were, then our strength will be far from 100%, thus further emphasizing Blizz's assertion that we're not worth paying attention to.

If one of the medium to low servers gets hundreds of transfers, and we take screen shots (or whatever) to prove our numbers, Blizz can't every use that argument. Ever.

Just a suggestion. Thanks for the constructive criticism.

EDIT: I'd be spending close to $250 to move all of my twinks; this is not an easy thing for me, at all, either way.
It sounds like a great idea it's just I don't think everyone would be into it. A lot of us have established guilds with mains that support them and I don't think everyone would want to uproot and go to a new server. Not to mention all the recent transfers I'm sure they wouldn't want to transfer again.

If It were to happen were all 39 twinks were on one server then that would be awesome but I don't think it will.
Sunblayde said:
If one of the medium to low servers gets hundreds of transfers, and we take screen shots (or whatever) to prove our numbers, Blizz can't every use that argument. Ever.

Blizzard would ignore it and just be happy about the extra $10,000 it made.
Castrophy said:
It sounds like a great idea it's just I don't think everyone would be into it. A lot of us have established guilds with mains that support them and I don't think everyone would want to uproot and go to a new server. Not to mention all the recent transfers I'm sure they wouldn't want to transfer again.

If It were to happen were all 39 twinks were on one server then that would be awesome but I don't think it will.

I'm down for slowly moving all, if not most of my twinks to NF if that was the concensus but I know that the Cyclone guys would be vehemently opposed. As would the Retaliation guys.

If I could move some of my toons over to get good games and good activity, I'd be more than satisfied, but the main objective is larger than my personal satisfaction; I'm hoping to prove that the twink community is not small, is not insignificant, and should not be dismissed.

Athylle said:
Blizzard would ignore it and just be happy about the extra $10,000 it made.

They'll try to ignore, no doubt, but solid evidence can't be refuted; they'll have to resort to the "we don't care" argument, which won't go over well with anyone.
Athylle said:
Did you see the blue responses in this thread?

I found post #18 to be a slap in the face, and it just goes to show what their attitude toward us is like.

Yes; that one makes me want to punch a baby.

I know my idea is far fetched, but if we all agree to consolidate to a single Battlegroup, it will help prove that twinking is not a "small, niche form of game play."

There are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of us scattered across all the battlegroups. If we unite, ot will be hard to use that excuse.
The problem is everyone wants their BG to be the one to transfer to.

So no matter the facts, they will say "transfer here!"

It will be impossible to find the right BG to pick.

On top of that, you will have people that just flat our refuse to transfer.

Why not start petitions to give everyone free tansfers for a couple weeks?

I know Blizzard will not want to do this, but it is an idea.

This is Fanyun. My suggestion is to get 2 to 3 different servers for twinks in each bracket. I suggest we go to battlegroups that already have a great twink base.

I like the idea of Cyclone, Nightfall, and one other be that place. Nightfall already offers the tens and Cyclone offers the arena.

I see your point and great idea, but I think it is better if we choose battlegroups that already have the rescources and twinks.

In Nightfall, lots of guilds are huge, ten man ready, and able to help new people out. This will ease the transition. I think it is going to be important to have big guilds, and active players.

I also don't suggest transferring everyone. Transfer a few and take the rest later.
skeeza00 said:
I like the idea of Cyclone, Nightfall, and one other be that place. Nightfall already offers the tens and Cyclone offers the arena.

I actually like the idea of this, with Reckoning as the third.

To whoever mentioned Bloodlust, I'm sorry, but its time is long over.
Ruin has been really great, and of course its also where most 19's go, and im seein alot of 29's come this way as well. And ive seen several 39's show up too on my server. But as some others have said, i have two accts, with 6 fully twinked and 3 more in the works, so transferrin off isnt really an option for me nor many of my guildies who most all have several in the bracket. Anyone lookin to hit up an already solid bg for several brackets is welcome to join up for some good 39 action on ruin.
Emberstorm is hands down the most active battlegroup at the moment. Queue times are practically instant, with constant games going on. Everyone should xfer there imo.
Pers said:
Emberstorm is hands down the most active battlegroup at the moment. Queue times are practically instant, with constant games going on. Everyone should xfer there imo.

Really? Cause i have 2 39's on Tortheldrin. and ITS DEAD. the ONLY que times are at night time and its always 10vs5.
Poodyteng said:
Really? Cause i have 2 39's on Tortheldrin. and ITS DEAD. the ONLY que times are at night time and its always 10vs5.

Emberstorm is the most active battlegroup by far. You're probably a Nightfall or Cyclone alt, trying to sabotage the battlegroup. But good luck with that, since we have so many 39 twinks here, its constant pops. In fact, earlier there were 2 non-xp wsgs going on at the same time.
I'm going to try and not come off as the typical 'Cyclone Asshole' but I Cyclone is here to stay. Even though we aren't as active (in BattleGrounds) as Nightfall, I'm confident all the major players are content where they are and the situation they are in.

I also think it's pretty pointless to get into a spitting contest on who's BG(s) are the best at the moment (days after the patch) because there are so many variables. I think the best bet is for everyone to just chill out where they are at the moment, enjoy whatever BattleGroup they are in and continue to get a feel for where 39's are going. I have a feeling that in 3 months the situation will be completely different.

-Edit- Pers, after spending like 5 minutes on your forums I found a number of posts talking about unavailable queue times during primetime hours and people waiting for pops. So why don't we just agree that everyone is dealing with the same issues and there's no one battlegroup that's seeing the sort of activity that could even be remotely compared to pre-patch.
Situation said:
I think the best bet is for everyone to just chill out where they are at the moment, enjoy whatever BattleGroup they are in and continue to get a feel for where 39's are going. I have a feeling that in 3 months the situation will be completely different.

Wise words, my friend. I may end of transferring one of my seven toons to NF simply to hang out with friends that have transferred there pre-3.2, but after sleeping on it, I agree that it may be too premature to hit the panic button.

I can say with certainty that BL is pretty dead, but then again, I've been perfecting my twinks and leveling my mains, and not necessarily in queue suffering with everyone else.
Situation said:
-Edit- Pers, after spending like 5 minutes on your forums I found a number of posts talking about unavailable queue times during primetime hours and people waiting for pops. So why don't we just agree that everyone is dealing with the same issues and there's no one battlegroup that's seeing the sort of activity that could even be remotely compared to pre-patch.

Wow what terrible lies. Emberstorm is so popular, that alts from other bg's just come to our forums and pretend its inactive. Too bad their sabotage doesn't work seem to be working, as we are getting constant pops, with multiple bg instances up.
Pers said:
Wow what terrible lies. Emberstorm is so popular, that alts from other bg's just come to our forums and pretend its inactive. Too bad their sabotage doesn't work seem to be working, as we are getting constant pops, with multiple bg instances up.

Anyone else think this person could use a grammar checker - and a reality checker bundled together?

Then again, I could probably use a troll-checker on my PC. I suspect I just fell for one...

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