al'ar just dropped

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/golf clap
Been soloing this weekly on my main for a while now, just as sad every time it doesn't drop. Good to know when it drops I have a 100% chance to get it though.
Pf. if you are doing TK for alar- ML reserve it and pay on drop. or just reserve if some 1 will join that
Been soloing this weekly on my main for a while now, just as sad every time it doesn't drop. Good to know when it drops I have a 100% chance to get it though.

so what class is able to solo TK now?

cause i always see 85's looking for around 3-4 players for it
Edit; Meant to quote ^^^ That post. Been studying and haven't been around to see how the layout of the website has changed.

Well, i was doing it weekly on my Hunter, Druid, And was gearing up my rogue, so it wouldn't be such a pain-in-the-patookus.

Have heard of shadow priests doing it, Aswell as death knights, and maybe warlocks.

If memory serves, People have been doing it since early Cataclysm, With 346 gear. (Can't recall if it was done pre-cata.)

But yeah, a single 85 can solo him, It just takes awhile to clear trash. Longer if you clear more for the longer method (To the instance entrance), But it does get dull, Can be rng-y, And doing it with 2-3 friends is usually much, much quicker.
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