Adventures of a Noob - Levels 9 and 10

... continued from Adventures of a noob - levels 5 to 8


Level 9


I have come back to Strongwind.

Apparently you can have professions and, looking at them, I think Mage is the best. Imagine me doing magic and stuff!

I asked some people to tell me where the Mage trainer was and they kindly told me the way.

After climbing a funny tower (I fell off again, doesn't anybody know that spiral ramps without hand rails are dangerous?),

I found several trainers in the same room.

For the next hour I have tried to get any of them to teach me how to be a Mage, but I don't see to be able to convince them.

Dissapointed, I gave up and wandered again on the streets.


Level 10


Today I tried my hand at a new experience: the Battleground. With my obvious talents and armour it'll be like a walk in the park.

I went to the Strongwind Keep to talk to the battlemaster for Wallsome Gunch, as it is called.

When I first entered the battleground I was a bit confused, as many people started to yell at me to leave it. I don't see why I should. So the first thing I did was to walk around and explore the place. There's a blue flag where I started, but as I walked out of the building I saw some people I knew: the ones who keep saying "kek" at me. But these ones did not seem so nice: They killed me without stopping, so I ended up in our graveyard. As I came back to life, I jumped down with the rest of my team, but I died from the fall :(

Now I have to go the long way round.

Eventually I followed a nice rogue in my team. He had goggles and glowing weapons, so I think he may have been good. However, he was quite slow (and transparent, for some reason), so I kept next to him to protect him. He didn't seem very happy about it though, and he kept whispering to me to go away. But my duty as a strong warrior is to make myself useful.

After a while, we managed to get to the other team's area, where there was a red flag.

Wait, I know this: You have to hold it and you win ! I ran ahead and grabbed it.

The rogue didn't seem happy again. He told me to drop the flag, but I don't see how a weak character should hold it.

Eventually he said, "come on, let's go". "Eh? where?", I said. "Just bl**dy follow me!" he yells. Oh, well. Better keep him happy.

We started down a long tunnel, and were immediately attacked by some of the other team. "Help me", the rogue said. "But I can't", I said, "I'm holding the flag, see ?".

Eventually we both died. The rest of the game went pretty much similar, although the rogue left the battleground after he saw me coming again with him (some people are just quitters, aren't they?).

We lost 3-0. And all I got was a mark that you can't sell anyway :-( I just got rid of it. I don't think I'll be doing this BG malarky again, thank you very much !
Boris_amj said:
Eventually I followed a nice rogue in my team. He had goggles and glowing weapons, so I think he may have been good. However, he was quite slow (and transparent, for some reason), so I kept next to him to protect him. He didn't seem very happy about it though, and he kept whispering to me to go away. But my duty as a strong warrior is to make myself useful.

This whole part made me lol the most. I wanna see what this 'noob' does next. Good stuff, keep it up.

ahahahaaaahahhahhahhahahahaaa...poor little naive feller...

i agree with zuty, keep the funny stuff up...makes my downtime at work a bit more enjoyable!
this is simply awesome... i'd love to see it made into a comic strip or something :p

keep it up!
This is great. I seriously laughed so hard when I was in my school library while reading this.. Everyone started to stare, lol.
OOOOOH i totally agree with ramune...a stick figure comic strip depicting our "noob's" follies would be hilarious! i would totally love to work on something like this with you boris if interested =P
i believe it is for those crazy engrish least i've always been told that it we have an engrishman who can confirm/disconfirm this???
Lucky I am a major in swear words:

Bloody appeared to be a swear word up until the early 1900s. An example of this can be found from this blurb I found:

In 1914, the use of the phrase "Not bloody likely" on an English stage caused a national sensation. Upon the utterance of 'The Word', it was reported that there was "a few seconds of stunned disbelieving silence, and then hysterical laughter for at least a minute and a quarter".

The word was first used around the 1600s as a strong way of saying 'very'/'no mistake'. In the 1880s it was considered to be a 'horrid word' and was censored as 'b----y'. The origin on how it became defined as a swear is unknown (Most think it is linked to the blood of Christ, but that is false) but it is mostly due people saying phrases like 'Bloody drunk.' While they mean 'Extremely drunk' it was taken on into the expression 'Bloody hell' which is used to show extreme shock. (So I guess it started off as a way to say 'Extremely hellish/scary') It was later accepted as a 'mild' swear, like hell or damn. So while it may make your dad get angry and your mum faint, no one would mind you saying it in a public area.

you know what???

NOT BLO'Y LIKELY!!! (you know, just think of the really thick engrish accents and that's how that is supposed to sound.)

teehee! thanks for the info there always, well read chap, well read.
Lmao! Not only is your work great, Boris, but these respsonses are awesome too! I think the comic strip idea is awesome, and leave it to "Zuty" to go research the orirgin of the word 'bloody', rofl. I thought it was hilarious that he/she went through all that trouble for a stupid word. Anyway, keep up the work man! These are all great; so far my favorite part is "As I came back to life, I jumped down with the rest of my team, but I died from the fall," I thought this was frickin' hilarious.
Thanks, Subpar.

I found it hilarious.

I hope you can do some more.

By the way, I have posted a link to your comic on Thottbot here , where I originally published the Adventures.

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