Adventurer's Pith Helmet

Expert Goldminer's Helmet is still really hard to beat though. It's just such a large chunk of expertise from one single item.
Meh, if you're not hit capped I really wouldn't bother getting this. However, with Rogue BoAs to hit cap, I could see this being > than a 12/12 Monkey hat. It'd be:

12 Stamina

12 Agi


14 Stam

9 Agi

4 Crit

Personally, I value 2 Stam and 4 Crit over 3 agi, so I'll be picking one of these up soon.
I personally think that hit and crit should be taken before AP. There's a very noticable increase in upfront burst around 20%+, compared to say 15%. This may seem an obvious statement, but I always find I need at least 20% to feel as if im critting "regularly". I'd still take comfortable leather hat first, 18 hit is enormous.
I'm saying if I was hit capped otherwise. Be it from BoAs, Surefooted +15 hit to Gloves + an elixirs or whatever. Pith Helmet would always come 2nd to Comfy Leather Hat if I'm not at least at 30 Hit.
Dunno why the 12/12 monkey was being discussed though? Anyone using that is just itemizing wrong. Dipping over hit cap is not bad either in this day and age against so many rogues, ret paladins and ofc night elves.

And forgodsakes you little roguelings don't forget hunters. They don't give a rats arse about the Goldminer's and this is going to be BiS for them (they may need to use a rogue BoA to reach cap though.
interesting change. now that they have changed this and basilisk, hopefully they will change assault band as well

edit: just remembered they were adding BoA ring, so i guess it doesnt really matter as BoA and aquamarine signet will likely be best

edit2: nvm just checked stats and the boa isnt that good, so if assault is changed it could be BiS with aqua
What is the hit cap for melee classes at 39?
elesian said:
Yep expertise for the dodge racial, hit to negate the extra chance to miss.

Your words. Don't hate the messenger.

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