Additional Azerite Armor Discussion, Blue Posts, StarCraft Soldiers


Global Games, EU vs CN, Meta, Artifact - Value Town #186

Further Discussion on Azerite Powers
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Azerite - Worst Itemization in WoW's History

Holy hell this thread went places. Okay, couple quick things:

1) I've mentioned elsewhere that we're looking at Azerite armor availability. 3 weeks into a raid tier/mythic+ season is a bit early to make hard conclusions of how difficult it will be to acquire alternate sets over the next few months. But we're hearing that feedback and keeping a close eye on it. Availability in mythic+ particularly is a regular topic of conversation. I've talked about that before so I won't rehash everything here, but we're looking into it.

2) I noticed a few posts that seemed to believe that Azerite traits are randomized when a piece drops. They're not; each piece of gear has a preset assortment of traits to choose from. Most of y'all seem to understand that already, I just wanted to toss it out there for anyone who may not. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

If I wanted to play brewmaster or mistweaver right now, I would be significantly better off by making a 2nd monk. Is this really the design you were going for?
Not at all, and I'm curious why you feel that's the case. It isn't in my experience as someone who is currently playing a tri-spec monk. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Weird, I wanted Uplifted Spirits, Font of Life, and Overflowing Mist on my gear for healing, but instead I have Elusive Footwork, Fit to Burst, and Boiling Brew. As you know, those three do absolutely nothing for mistweaver, while the former three do nothing for brewmaster. It would cost me hundreds to thousands of gold to spec swap even once per day, and since I do m+ as brewmaster and any raiding as almost exclusively mistweaver, that's a pretty frequent occurrence. It would actually save an insane amount of gold to just have a 2nd monk, though I wouldn't do it personally.

There's also the part where I'd even have equal ilvl azerite pieces pretty quick, since azerite over 340 might as well not exist despite my 370 ilvl.

And you believe the process of leveling and gearing a 2nd monk would be more efficient than farming those 340s on your main?

To be clear I'm not arguing - legitimately trying to make sure I understand this feedback. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

As a quick aside: I understand and appreciate that many of you are frustrated about the system. That's why I'm here - to get a better understanding of what exactly is frustrating people so I can present that feedback to the development team.

Step 1 of that process is explaining what our viewpoint is so that you guys can present counter-arguments. If your response to that explanation is to roll your eyes and make snarky comments about how dumb I am, that's fine, but it's really not helping make the game any better.

I get the need to vent, but if y'all could keep the personal attacks and memes to a minimum that'd make it a hell of a lot easier for me to actually help make the video game more fun for you. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Thank you to everyone making the effort to discuss this in a constructive manner. Rest assured that I'm taking all of your feedback to heart. I've got a great list of discussion points and arguments to make on your behalf the next time I meet with the development team.

There's a number of good points raised in this thread that I haven't responded to yet simply because I haven't had a chance to talk to the devs about them. And, for full transparency, it's going to be a few days before I can. In the meantime, keep making good points and I'll keep taking notes.

And as for "this conversation should have happened during beta," you're right. It should have. I'm sorry it didn't. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Teeming Affix and Timewalking Feedback
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
thank you communication

For bug communication, it sucks.

When you say that, what exactly do you mean? Is that saying you'd like to know more like for example when issues/bugs get fixed?

Would be hard to do on individual bug reports but maybe something we could look into on forum posts. If that's what you're asking. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

No feedback on Timewalking issues.
These should be largely fixed now. Anything else you guys still have that isn't working right with it please let us know.

No feedback on PTR Issues.
There's a couple of PTR things being looked into at the moment. At least with the PTR it's expected to be rough sometimes. If I get more detailed things that I can pass on to you guys I'll be sure to do that. In the mean time I'd keep checking the PTR forums as we update the status of it there.

The Twitter post isn't even updated daily. Even the Hotfix notes are hidden. No link on the World of Warcraft front page. No updates on the forums. No link in the Launcher.
We always update the same location for hotfixes. It's usually always in the News section.

As for updating on the Twitter thread with the hotfixes tweets, my personal feel is that it would becomes a little too cluttered if I did it for every hotfix update as it always just links to the same place. If you guys want me to put those in there I will start throwing those in. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Personally I'd like fixes, or adjustments to be noted. One example is last week teeming Atal'Dazar had an extra pull of 2 colossi on the southern route. However when I did it later in the week that entire pull was removed. Going in I had no idea that that had changed, so it threw my mob % all out of whack.
Yeah I'm not sure why that wasn't noted to be quite honest. We did make some tuning changes with Teeming last week. It was mainly centered around removing some extra packs as some of the density was a little high.

Hi, I ran end time with my friends last night with discord and can comfortably say without a doubt, it was the worst, badly designed endtime run we’ve ever done. No it is not fixed with the recent hotfixes.
We did some tuning for it a few days ago, and it received another pass again that was applied earlier today. We've now made the following changes to it:[*]Both Murazond and the Ghouls in the Sylvanas encounter have had their health significantly reduced.[*]We also went through and greatly reduced the damage and health of many creatures and spells as well in End Time.

It is supposed to be a link to all Twitter communication. Even if the information is in the hotfix notes eventually, the conversations are useful.
Noted! I'll start throwing them in there as well then. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Personal Loot Clarifications
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
I'm done with shield wearing tanks.
Since it's personal loot, I have to be selected for loot (6 out of 28) on that one specific boss, and then I have to get the specific item out of the boss (1 out of 3) I believe. So my odds of getting a shield are 5%. The odds with master loot, assuming 4 drops instead of 6 would be 36% (11 drop options on the boss so (1/11)+(1/11)+(1/11)+(1/11)). That's where my seemingly "bad luck" is coming from. I am 7 times less likely to get a shield in a raid with personal loot instead of group/master loot.

To be clear: that is not how personal loot works. Everyone in the raid has their own individual chance to receive loot, regardless of how many people are there.

StarCraft: Soldiers Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics and Blizzard have teemed up for a series of comics called StarCraft: Soliders. The first issue will launch on January 19, 2019. The comic will involve a recent graduate posted in zerg space.

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