Achievement You're Most Proud Over


What's the best achievement you ever completed on your twink in your opinion?

For me it's a close call, [World Explorer] and [Master Angler of Stranglethorn] are my two favorites but can't choose which I like best.

Other rare and hard-to-get achievements I have are [Medium Rare], [I Smell A Giant Rat], [Czar of Sporeggar], [The Coin Master] and some others but check my armory for a total overview.

Yesterday I got [ITEM]Recipe: Haunted Herring[/ITEM] on my level 19, a BoP zone drop only obtainable from Northrend mobs. I lol'd but as I wasn't farming but it's kinda cool. I have 350+ cooking so I could learn it. =]
Hey you fixed the code :p

my level ten twink is very proud of his

Wrecking Ball achievement.
I am proud of my Master of Warsong Gulch. Its not a rare achievement, but yet I find my self quite fond of it.
I like "Master of WSG" or "That Takes Class" I think it's funny that you can get an honorable killing blow on a dk at this level.

I was at the arena doing agm when "that takes class" happend. I am wondering if you can honor farm at the arena and if so could all the twinks on a server just get together and kill each other all day? I guess there is the two min respawn timer so IDK
I haven't got many fancy achievements, so I'll say "The Czar of Sporeggar"
just wondering how do you get The Czar of Sporeggar at 19? If its like a 65 place.

Edit: My most proud achievement for right now as i just finished my warlock twink is wrecking ball in my first game :p.
For me it's either Explorer or For the Horde.
For me I suppose it has to be Turtles All the Way Down on my 49 Shaman, Implacable.
Mother Goose said:
For me I suppose it has to be Turtles All the Way Down on my 49 Shaman, Implacable.

Nice one... but most of all I /agree with your sig.
Novascotia said:
Get to the choppa! on my 19.

So you don't need to learn it, correct? That's great then, I'll just ask someone for theirs.
Correct, I thought I would try it out when I got it on my main as a BoE and Tah-DaH! Get to the Choppa!, then I proceeded to send it to all of my alts.

Look up my char for confirmation, Novascotia on Cairne.

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