Toys for me. Next year all my toons will not only look way better, but super small with Whole-Body Shrinka' - Item - World of WarcraftThe and Tabards part won me over.
Does the BoA's keep their mog?
Yea... Get ready to be divided into: Pure F2P, Linked F2P and P2P
How i see it, is that this tab will allow you to take any heirloom, make a copy for yourself and then enchant + transmog it yourself. Remember how the item transmog bank work? This bank removes any gem/transmog/enchant you have when storing any item.Does the BoA's keep their mog?
New expension will also removes stats like hit/expertise.
when will this be implemeneted? is it with Warlord of Draenor?
yeswhen will this be implemeneted? is it with Warlord of Draenor?
no 5.5, next update is the new expension (mmo-champion)either that or 5.5. that is if they decide to release 5.5