About trollin'.


If you don't care, don't post. Repetitively posting /care-responses will result in a ban, I'm not going to close every topic that has this kind of flame. Show some respect for others. Thanks.

No offence but wouldn't this be better in The Tavern or somewhere else, since it applies to every section of the forums?
I chose to post here since it's really the only place I ever post, but I'll move it to the Tavern.

el oh el oh el

seriously though, there go half my posts. probably for the better though.
op is a fgt
Rayu said:
If you don't care, don't post. Repetitively posting /care-responses will result in a ban, I'm not going to close every topic that has this kind of flame. Show some respect for others. Thanks.


Umm interesting Stuff Brah, seriously, Love!
Kítty said:


Go time your cds better v ryrith

Ha, he took the first duel we ever made where i did ... nothing but he tought it's worht putting in a video even if i told him not to do. dont blame me, blame ryrith. We had srs duels later where he had to reset all the time getting his ass whupped.
Zimt the Diplomat said:
Ha, he took the first duel we ever made where i did ... nothing but he tought it's worht putting in a video even if i told him not to do. dont blame me, blame ryrith. We had srs duels later where he had to reset all the time getting his ass whupped.


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