About how much should runs cost?

I'm currently paying someone 20g a ZF run for antu'sul and chief ukorz for big bad pauldrons and vice grips of the bear if i get lucky and they drop while farming for Big Bad Pauldrons.

Is that too much? I've spent like 120g on it so far lol. Was wondering if I should find someone else and pay less or if I need to stay in contact with this guy.
probably too much, although if you have him do everything for you including having to wait for you to get 0 exp, then it's decent. however if you're getting exp at the same time because you're not 49 yet then it's way too much

run cost is an abstract thing...sometimes people are nice, sometimes they aren't
i'm getting the xp from the bosses but that's it

i've got some breathing room
fuzzles said:
You think I should offer 10g a run instead?

man run cost is so abstract...it's all about haggling. if you can get it for 10g a run, that's great, but you have to be pitted with the right runner.

perhaps you can ask for 5 runs, and if the big bad pauldrons drop, give them a large sum of gold (50?)
they just dropped. i spent about 180 gold total i think. mug'thol's helm was 110g lol...
ah well imo next time you should just pay them if it drops, that way being unlucky won't be a problem
If you don't pay, they wont run you again, even if your unlocky and your item doesn't drop they still took the time to run you through an instance....getting hit by alot of mobs reduces your armor same as if a 80 hit it..multi runs can get expensive in repairs, espcially if you have good gear and its a quick run.
Naturaltalnt said:
If you don't pay, they wont run you again, even if your unlocky and your item doesn't drop they still took the time to run you through an instance....getting hit by alot of mobs reduces your armor same as if a 80 hit it..multi runs can get expensive in repairs, espcially if you have good gear and its a quick run.

and that's what you keep secret :p

if you want you can pay them a frugal amount per run, or a few gold after 5 runs, and them give them heavy dough for an item drop.
well i tried that once and got unlucky, turns out the guy misunderstood me when i said 60g for the drop. He'd ran out of time and felt quite jipped lol.
Really depends on the runner, and the deal propsed before it happens.

Personally I have never paid for a run, friends run me, I run them, or work out a deal...everyone always wants something, its just a matter of figuring out what and how much ;)
well... i don t know how much are the boosts now... but on my time (BC) i was paying like 12 G - 7 G for a run in sm lib (deadman's ring).

because i was a level 29... and i didn;t had a main... the 200 g vanished quickly... so i made another strategy

I have made a personal Quest, offering 30 G to the one who will help me get the epic ring.

Many people wanted to give a try... and they helped me a lot.

But one of them was farming in SM so he boosted for about 15 times... and finally get the ring and i gave him 30 G.
For my 19s, I like to offer 5g per run. You are going for specific items and not for the entire run for garbage drops. I like to have the runners at lvel 60 or higher. Anything lower than that takes forever.

Sometimes you have to offer more to get high level attention, but it's ok because they run it quickly. Pay for quality runs to not waste your time.

Higher level instances, I am sure, will be more hefty and time consuming.
Normandy said:
Sometimes you have to offer more to get high level attention, but it's ok because they run it quickly. Pay for quality runs to not waste your time.

well remember using more gold means you'll be having to farm more on your main. so sometimes it's not really worth it...at least for lazy people like me :)
Its never been hard to earn gold at higher levels, my shaman isnt even 80 yet...between my 3 epic flyers, herbalist/alchemist i can net 800g per hour, just wait until everyones alseep like 11/12/1 then go on a farm speer for 2-3 hours..bam 2-3kg.

then if I wanna get risky i can turn them into elixirs..netting a nice profit, and if i get lucky with procs...thats even more bank.

on top of that..my shaman also has maxxed fishing and cooking, those 2 or even just fishing can net quite a nice sum of money.

or you can go do dailys/quests and make gold..not even requiring a profession.

then the last thing you can do to make money is kill mobs for items..eternals/primals/patterns etc, if your a good dps it doens't take long to kill.
my main is still under 60, so I just skin/mine and sell everything on the ah

i can make about 100g an hour
Haha wow, getting to 80 alone from 1-80 got me about 4k, even after I bought stuff and I leveled with mining/skinning

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