A way to exp..

I don't think so. you will get the xp off debuff in party from your lvl 10 witch reduces wastly your experience gaining. I tried with my ftp acc so I only can carry myself for epic and quest runs. But if you complete a dungeon quest with your lvl 10 alt and leave the party wait till the debuff expires and go back to give the quest you will get full xp.
If you have your character that you want to level on accout 1 and your lvl 10 twink with xpoff on account 2 then you can "snipe" yourself though group finder.
Select the same timeline on both of your characters and que at the same time (fastest way is when you can que as healer and tank).
Then it is just matter of time if you get que pop on both at the same time. If you only get pop on 1 then leave the que and reque.
Can take 5 minutes can take 20, really depends on timeline, time of the day, etc.
Once you are in the same dungeon group dont leave after dungeon ends because you will have to snipe yourself again, just reque.
what I do to powerlevel my alts requires 3 accounts. I will label them to make it easier account A=Main, B=Character to be leveled, C=person leaving party.
Character C invites A and B, enters queue.
Once in the dungeon C leaves the party, outside of the instanced party A B C will still be in a normal group. C kicks A and B from party
After dungeon, A and B TELEPORTS OUT OF DUNGEON and waits for xp buff to expire.
after the 5 mins queue for another dungeon and enter it. From that point on there will be no more xp debuff and you can run as many times as you want without worry about a roulette
you can do a 5 man queue and keep 4 in a group. then do a queue with your 5th as roulette queue that you want to level and have an entire team to your self. so if you want to multibox dungeons super easy way to farm scourgestones at the same time while leveling as well.

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