A few questions on Fury Warriors


I didn't want to derail the current 2h vs dw thread, so I started a new one.

I've been looking to roll a :Horde:toon for the 20s bracket, and trying to decide what to roll. I'd like to try out a warrior, but I do hear quite a few cons about the class. I'm aware of how kiteable they are. One of my questions I guess would be, are they really that viable for BGs/Arenas, or do people just play them for fun? Would a warrior be a welcome addition to games or not? I don't know what the class balance is outside of hunters/rogues/paladins being overplayed.

Assuming I do decide to go through with warrior, I'm left with choosing what race to pick. I think it would be down to between orc and blood elf. With the lack of interrupts that a warrior has in general, I'd almost want to say that blood elf would be the best race to go, but orc does have a lot of good offensive racials that benefit a warrior quite a bit. Anyone mind commenting on this?
I cannot answer any Horde related questions, but with a good AP premade team I am having a lot of luck as a flag carrier and general mayhem maker. Heroic Throw is my answer to disengage, Piercing Howl helps with the rest. I play a warrior for the fun... I do everything I do for the fun. Whether or not someone else can beat me toe to toe doesn't factor all that highly into it, not when I'm usually rolling with a balanced team.
Yeah, it's viable if you realize that certain unquantifiable skills are (and must be) a part of your character's strength. Notably, social skills. Saying "please" and "thank you," especially to those without whom you would utterly fail and be essentially a combat-spec rogue without stealth (And I tried out combat spec rogue in this bracket, so I'm qualified to make the comparison). Note the "healing done" column.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1832211/warrior viable.png

As a warrior, you must be heavily invested in the success of your team. You will never be that rogue in the image above, who got the second most kills but was on a losing team. It feels as if the measure of my success is how much face my team-mates empower me to stomp, and that my face stomping is positively correlated with flag caps. When the team isn't capping flags and killing EFCs, I'm not killing stuff. When they are, I end up being able to kill stuff as a result.

If I want to kill more stuff, the best strategy for me is to see to it that my team is kicking butt. Then, like magic, the heals are magnetically attracted to me and my weapons are magnetically attracted to the faces of the enemy.

When I don't feel like being social and playing to win, I'm on my non-AP sub rogue.
Very well said!
Yes, thanks for the comments guys. I see both of you play other classes besides warriors. How often to you play your warriors compared to the other toons you have?
I find that sure we can be kited, that's always been a class trait. However, if you plan accordingly and above all, get the charge in you have a chance against any class. Obviously, the bane of our existence are hunters and frost mages. A skilled hunter or mage will probably come out on top, but it's not a given.

Also, warriors have only 1 viable spec, whereas a good many other classes have a few to choose from.
zerker said:
Yes, thanks for the comments guys. I see both of you play other classes besides warriors. How often to you play your warriors compared to the other toons you have?

When AP Horde is rolling premades, I'm on my warrior 100% of the time. When that isn't happening, I'll sometimes hop on my rogue and play around. Once in a great while, I'll hop on my huntard that barely has 1k hp or my rsham.

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