A departing post before I go P2P.


Itz ya boy Fishbaits and I've been playing on and off for about a year now and I've learned a lot from you guys here at Twinkinfo!

The 75% discount on WoW is too much to pass up and after this post has been made I will have downloaded the actual game! Remaining "pure" is not an obsession of mine anymore and I'm tired of being gimped in Player vs Player scenarios.
It's been a great deal of fun and I've met a lot of really cool people, you know who you are!

I'm going to give back to the community a bit and share some of my general knowledge from a Rogue's perspective before I leave.

The Talents

Nightstalker - Higher damage and mobility in stealth, it is much better than it sounds.

Subterfuge - Landing a double Ambush is very satisfying, a lot of potential when playing as a Night Elf. Helpful against spammable AoE or DoT classes.

Shadow Focus - This talent allows you to have much more control over your combo points and energy use from the opener.

My take - Use Nightsalker because it allows you to catch up to fast EFCs and maneuver around the map with ease along with a strong Ambush.

The Races

Horde : Blood Elf > Goblin = Orc > Undead = Troll = Pandaren
Alliance : Human > Night Elf > Worgen = Gnome > Pandaren

My take - Blood Elf for the double silence.

The Gear

-Aim for 3300 to 4200 Health
-Agility >> Crit >>>> Haste
-Some low level quest gear scales incredibly well, save it and check to see the scaling in a BG before discarding it!
-Be sure to check the Gear Scaling Index on Twinkinfo to see an extensive list of gear and the scaling in PvP.
-Do not rely on a healer, sometimes sacrificing damage for survivability is more beneficial to you.

The Objective

-Locate, call out and kill the EFC in Warsong Gulch at the most opportune time.
-Ninja cap flags in AB and kill solo defenders.
-Destroy bunkers in AV and don't get caught out in the middle of nowhere.
-Target and harass healers but don't go out of position pursuing them.
-Create and use Swiftness potions for Battlegrounds and Duels.
-Efficient use of Sap will decide many battles.
-Use effective movement to avoid as many melee attacks as possible, stay behind your enemy!
-Pick your fights wisely! All you have is recuperate, bandages, food and maybe a potion or two!
-Learn the enemy spellcasters fake-cast pattern as soon as possible, only let them fool you once.
I wouldn't rely too much I'm panda racial tho since ppl always target the person you cc for some reason. Maybe if used as an interrupt

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