(A) (Aerie Peaks) Read this is you have a open mind.


Hello,Aerie Peaks Alliance community.

I feel like possible starting a Rp group for fun if you wish to join please post on here I will give more information if their enough people willing to participate.Here is some basic information I wish to talk about and hopefully convince you to join.

Why I choose AP ?

I choosed it because it had the largest community of active ftp and that my character is on it.

Why RP ?

1. Its fun

2. Waiting for queues is boring when their nothing to do.

3. Can help increase the feel of community.

4. Helps get a feel of WHO your character is ,I personally always like playing a character I have story for over ones I do not.

What is RP?

RP is playing your character as your character not you (you can make him /her based on your personality if you want its also easier when starting out :D)

What you need to RP?

1. Imagination and a open mind.

2 (this is my suggestion personally) Addon "Myroleplay" you can find it on curse I may post a link to it later if you cant find it.

What is MRP ?

Its is a addon that you can add your height ,weight, age ,eyecolor, race ,name,history and appearance on that other people with that addon can see.

What I dont want to see


*Also stay in Azeroth lore we are not from the Lotr in this game .

Tips for newbies

/em allows you to do custom emotes like "Gerrod chug the hot brew as steam floats of his beard."

OOC = out of character

IC = In character

when you want to talk OCC when in roleplay put your OCC talk in (( ))

example* It been a pleasure to meet you good sir. ((can you wait a few secs I have to use the bathroom))

Need information about lore or rp I suggest going to wowpedia and looking up information about the race you want and they have some useful RP stats like how old a dwarf lives, when are you a adult ,middle aged and so on.

Feel free to post your Rp profile in this thread and thanks for the support.

***for horde members of AP ***

Im sorry ,I do not have a character on the horde but if you wish to participate that fine if any horde want to lead a RP group of their own post in this topic so it be easy to find.

Last but not least Please be Open Minded ,RP is really fun when you start doing it and please do not leave trollish flame comments on this thread I work hard to make it.

*added RP profile information*
Hmm... I first thought "WTF CMON...." but yea count me in =D Just for reasons I don't have right now. :3
You know, I'd definitely be down for this, just a couple thoughts on it:

1. Are you intending it to be a guild? Cuz, uh...ftp....yeah. can't join guilds.

2. The difficulty arises in custom emotes (/em) -- ftp accounts can't do that. :(
capnmunch said:
You know, I'd definitely be down for this, just a couple thoughts on it:

1. Are you intending it to be a guild? Cuz, uh...ftp....yeah. can't join guilds.

2. The difficulty arises in custom emotes (/em) -- ftp accounts can't do that. :(

1.No its not a guild since we cant join guilds but with the chat addons we have it would be easy to set up a place to meet.

2. Are you sure ? since im able to do /em.

Also thanks for the support guys.
for those of you that can read(non picture books) the newest wow novel wolfheart we could do a small scale RP skirmish at ashenvale, preferable where horde and alliance npcs are skirmishing.

Ashenvale is easy to reach for both horde and alliance so it should be no problem.
lawl ive been waiting for rping for a bit. Used to do it all the time on my alliance main before unsubscription. I would make an alliance toon just to rp lol
capnmunch said:
Hm. Seems I was mistaken, custom emotes do work for f2p. Rock on, I'm on board with this.

Ok, great Their seems to be a ton of players that want to participate so, if you want to participate put your Rp profile of you character here if you want and have one since that will help keep a database of the RPers.I will post gerrod's as soon as I finish it.
Me and my GF role play. She is my maid and likes to spit shine my stripper pole.

Wait, you are all freaks doing RP on a game.
Harleybow said:
Me and my GF role play. She is my maid and likes to spit shine my stripper pole.

Wait, you are all freaks doing RP on a game.

Please ,I said no hateful comments.
Harleybow said:
Me and my GF role play. She is my maid and likes to spit shine my stripper pole.

Wait, you are all freaks doing RP on a game.

mkay go further... o wait which GF of u? xD

srsly you took those idk 15 secs of your freakin' life to post this crap? some people do it outta boringness cutie :p just like you both do this 'cuz otherwise there would be nothing going between you and her.
Ok So where do you guys want to meet I would normally say IronForge because my guys a dwarf but right now their a ton of people their for brewfest and that could become a trollfest.
Harleybow said:
Me and my GF role play. She is my maid and likes to spit shine my stripper pole.

Wait, you are all freaks doing RP on a game.

Role-playing is recreational acting, except now it's online without the pen and paper. It's the same as what you just did; pretending you've talked to a girl before. Welcome.

On-topic, how does role-playing usually flesh out in WoW? Are there scheduled events and D&D equivalents to DMs running it? Is it mostly spontaneous?
Harleybow said:
Me and my GF role play. She is my maid and likes to spit shine my stripper pole.

Wait, you are all freaks doing RP on a game.

its a free country we can RP in game. Also SS or it didnt happen :D
Spryness said:
Role-playing is recreational acting, except now it's online without the pen and paper. It's the same as what you just did; pretending you've talked to a girl before. Welcome.

On-topic, how does role-playing usually flesh out in WoW? Are there scheduled events and D&D equivalents to DMs running it? Is it mostly spontaneous?

It really depends since we have no idea how its going to flesh out right now because we haven't started yet ,were getting a group together and getting organized but im sure we can do some schedule events if we get enough people willing to participate which so far we seem to have quite a few that do.
um. How do you expect to RP without GHI?

Seriously? This is the only reason I'm not RP'ing on Moon Guard all day. :(

RP without GHI is no RP at all.
iaccidentallytwink said:
um. How do you expect to RP without GHI?

Seriously? This is the only reason I'm not RP'ing on Moon Guard all day. :(

RP without GHI is no RP at all.

That is true that we cant use GHI or atleast cant trade GHI but Its still possible to RP without them just the creativity a little less.Im positive we can find a way around it Also like I said we can still make GHI items to my Knowledge and link them so we can still use the addon ,so If you want I can can add a download Link to GHI but we wont be able to use it to its full potential.

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